Winners of the "Idea" Contest + 2 styles.

Day 1,845, 12:54 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Koragi

Ok, so the winners of the "Idea" Contest are Sir Robin Ibz and Lucifel. Sir Robin Ibz came up with the idea to add anime's to my articles and Lucifel came up with the idea to add "Did you know" to my articles in which i talk about random cool facts of Japan. So my idea is that on one day i will have a anime day and then the next a Did you know day and go back to back with these for awhile, So a sneak peak of tomorrows article since its gonna be a anime day and the anime is Shiki!

Tomorrow i will be giving a review and rating of Shiki, also in the comments i would like for people to give me animes that i can review and rate(Im open to all anime types).
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