Why we do, What we do.

Day 817, 07:49 Published in USA USA by JmanTizzle

My fellow people of the eWorld, hello, my name is JmanTizzle. Have you ever wondered," Why are we here?" Well fore most people, yes, they have wondered. But, on what were they pondering? Why are we here in eAmerica, or, Why are we here on this eWorld?

Why are we here in eAmerica?
The main reason people move/live in the eUSA is that they have protection and safety from the other countries. eUSA is one of the most protected and highest ranked countries in the eWorld. So, why wouldn't you want to be here?

Why are we here in this eWorld?
Well, this one is harder to answer. You may be here in this eWorld because you are bored and want something to do, or, you may be here just because you love this game! The economics, government, wars, and people are just like in real life. So, people can come here to have another life were you don't have to have a specific age to do things.

So, I hope that you don't need to wonder why anymore!