Why Vote Flamur?

Day 590, 11:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire
Why vote Flamur?

A question, that has hunted mankind since Flamur announced his intentions to run, less than a week ago.

But what a week it has been for the Radical Freethinkers Alliance, and potentially even the world. In this week Flamur decided that he would run for what is right, for his country, to improve it, to unite it, and to make it into a country we can all be proud of.

And I am proud. I am proud of Flamur.

Flamur is an excellent man. He has lived his entire e-life in the eUK, serving it with all his devotions. The truest patriot of all the candidates running on the fifth of July, mere days away.

In the week since Flamur accounced his intentions, the country and the RFA have been working around the clock to prove to each and every one of you that Flamur deserves this chance to show his love of the country, but not only that, but this country deserves the chance of having a man who will put its people first, not its politicians. A man, who will stick to his decisions, rather than founder in a crisis. A man, who you can rely on to not lie to you as a politician, but rather talk to you honestly and with integrity.

This is the man I want to rule our country, one of us. One of the people you know and love. Not a manipulative politician.

The RFA, and Flamur in particular, have been working solidly on our manifesto. Each and every member has a say. is encouraged, is respected and above all enjoys their time in the party. Because, unlike other parties in the eUK, we understand the common guy, we work for the common guy. We are a party for the common guy. Each of us respects and admires the other.

For example, Flamur is one of the most experienced and most competent guy you will meet in the eUK but despite all this you would think him arrogant, disrespectful to those who may not know as much as he does and above all obssessed with his ego, like several other e-politicians who want your vote, some even trying for your vote on the 5th. But to think he is arrogant, disrespectful and ego obssessed couldn't be further from the truth. Flamur is one of the nicest, friendliest guys you will ever have the pleasure of meeting.

I, for one, can say I honestly have pleasure merely working with him. He is a pleasure to work with, makes a fantastic contribution to the eUK and above all, is more than competent enough to work for the people, as your President

And that is why you should vote Flamur, on the 5th of July, 2009