why to vote for jbdivinus/scrabman on the 5th

Day 801, 06:49 Published in Canada USA by scrabman

Hello Canada! I've been swamped in RL court for the last couple of weeks so I've been meaning to write this article but just haven't gotten around to it. I think that I need to tell everyone why I'm running for VP on the jbdivinus ticket (see his platform). The tl;dr version is that I think that jbdivinus is good for Canada regardless of who he picked for his VP (so don't hold that against him).

When I first came to Canada to block some Hungarians who were trying to PTO the Parliament many asked me if I would run for Prime Minister or VPM and I said "absolutely not". I had just come off the longest term of any President of the eUSA (3.5 terms) and I was quite burned out on all of that responsibility. I served 4 terms in Parliament (to give me 8 terms total between the eUSA and eCanada) and then joined the CAF Elites where I'm now the Lieutenant Commanding the 45th Flying Hellfish Regulars. I've enjoyed the military and it actually has contributed to me popping onto IRC almost every night (something that I never used to do). This is where I got to know jbdivinus.

I've now served more than a year in this game and one of the things that I've learned about myself is that I enjoy the politics. I've worked for Canada as a soldier, a member of Parliament, Minister of Justice, and I'm the current Attorney General. But the thing that I really have enjoyed is talking with the Prime Ministers and sharing my advice and experience with them while serving in their cabinets. It is for this reason that jbdivinus started talking to me about my experiences and some place in that conversation he asked "why don't you just run as my VP" (or VPM depending on what nomenclature you are using). I had to think about this for a while because I'm not really interested in leading a country again but I also want to see Canada prosper as I've become very fond of its people and leaders. So I said "okay" and we have gone to work planning his campaign.

What I can tell you about jbdivinus (because that's who the article is about) is that he's smart, motivated, has a lot of experience from serving in Parliament/Congress as well as serving in the Cabinets of Canada's greatest Prime Ministers, and he has a great plan. He is currently the VPM and I think he brings a lot to the table in Jacobi's administration just like I think he has learned a lot and has great ideas for improving Canada and our relationship to the rest of the world. He will be unveiling those ideas over the next week in his newspaper but I've discussed them all with him and I'm very impressed with jb's vision for Canada (and it's rare that I say that). He's not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right and I think that he will do the best job that he can if elected on the 5th and I'll be there to help him in any way that he asks bringing my year+ of political experience to the table with me.

Canada is a growing nation and we have seen great strides in the last year. Please let jbdivinus show us how much greater that we can be.