Who won?

Day 2,655, 11:06 Published in India Serbia by bigtb

The India Pakistan rivalry flared up once again in past few days.

Well a lot of emotions and damage(and ofcourse RL money) was thrown into by both the sides. All that for proving one's better/stronger than the other. Also I saw a lot of people from both sides using RL examples(cricket) to prove the same, be it 6-0 in the world cups or 72-51 in the ODIs.

And when people derive so much from their real life to bring into the game. It is important to have a reality check, the true score that matters.

Across Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi, Lahore and Karachi, Zee News had billboards with scores that seemed like error of unimaginable proportion.

People misunderstood them before realizing that they indicated the number of lives lost at the border, since 1947. The message was loud and clear, when lives are lost no one wins...