What a Journey I've Had

Day 1,437, 14:42 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,437 of the new world
October 27 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 108
Goal by End of October: 100
Goal Completed!
Current Top Priority Battle in the eUSA. Click Fight!
Article Features
Journey through eRepublik
What a Journey
Every few weeks there will be an article talking about someone's journey through the game. Usually it's through 1 month or 2 weeks, but this one is a full on life story of me, Kooguy.

There will be a lot of tl;dr comments, so I advise you to hold off reading this until you have some time free. Good luck!

Part One- Holy Shi*
That's the first things a new player says in this game. You're thrown into this unlike any other game. It's so much like RL, and differs so much from RL. You have so many options, and the New Citizen's Message doesn't help much unless you visit the extended version. (which people rarely do)

One of the toughest things about this is the tutorial doesn't help much at all. The tasks don't make sense, and you have no friends so you're not directed to anyone immediately. Confusion is the best definition for my first day.

Part Two- Ohhhhhhhhhhhh
Now is when you have reached around twenty friends, and you start to learn the basics of the game. I first tried to get a mentor, and I found that in the entire Federalist Party.

One of the better things about this game is that it gives new players a chance. In most games veterans complain, calling the younger generation noobs, and blaming them for the lack of interest they have in the game. Here new players are brought under people's wings and given a chance at success. I appreciate that we have such an open community.

The PP at the time was Soren Nelson. He was pretty helpful. I also found gnilraps, who has been a tremendous help to me and many new players. The most important thing at this stage was to sit back and observe. Eventually, I started to get active on the forums and on IRC. That was my biggest mistake as a newbie. IRC is extremely important! Most of the discussions and other things on eRepublik take place on that and the forums.

Part Three- Getting Involved
When you level up as a newb you will usually unlock a new option every time. Getting the option to join a party was an extremely important thing for me. The biggest reason I joined was because of the political feature. I find politics interesting, so this was the right path for me.

I first joined the USWP for about 3 hours. When I started actually looking into parties I knew the feds were for me. The USWP's information at the time was something like "We are rebuilding" or something along the lines of that. I also liked the fact that their main principle was integrity, that appealed to me.

In my first couple of weeks there a few things happened for me. First, I ran for Congress. That was unsuccessful because Spain regained Basque Country the day of the elections. I also ran for PP, but then learned about the whole nomination thing on the forum.

As a Fed they encourage you to join Easy Company. I decided to join, but then quit. I didn't enjoy having to fill out a form everyday, and making $1 a day didn't sit right with me either. I ended up quitting, and I'm now a member of the UltraMarines. Here I don't work in a commune.

Part Four- My Newspaper: A Gateway to the People
I didn't set out to be in media like I did with politics. I found it interesting how you could actually make a newspaper in a game. I think this is a feature that sets eRepublik apart from a lot of other games.
Learning how to make a quality paper is not fun at all. I had a terrible format until gnilraps told portcolumbus to go above and beyond with his paper.
Naturally, as a newbie I listened to gnilraps.

I thought I achieved fame when gnilraps shouted one of my articles. The feeling of success was a great one. At the time I though it was an honor for gnilraps to acknowledge your newspaper. I can't count how many times I told him thank you that day. Trust me, if you enjoy writing then media is for you, there's a whole world of eRepublik besides actual gameplay.

Recently my newspaper has taken off very fast. I reached 100 subs, got a runner up prize in the Troll Spain Contest, and I'm listed in the endorsements for 16 shells. Like gnilraps told portcolumbus, you just have to go the extra mile. A newspaper is 50% content and 50% look.

Part Five- Congress
I have run for Congress every month I have been here. There's never been a doubt in my mind that it's where I'm meant to be. Through my attempts I've learned a lot, and grown as a player.

A lot of players consider the Congressional Elections a popularity contest. I don't think of it that way at all. I've noticed that whoever campaigns harder gets the position, not the better player. Popularity matters in the sense that you can buy more votes than others, but generally you can't win an election based on that alone.

My first run at Congress was a complete and utter failure. I didn't even get to actually have a chance to run. I was given the region Basque Country, and it was regained by Spain the day of the election. This was nothing more than a learning experience. I met new people, learned some neat tricks, and realized than nine out of ten times a player that is less than a month old will not win their election. I'm not going to complain about a flaw in the PP system because newer players haven't earned the title Congressman yet.

In my second run I never had a chance. I ran against Martin Stettler who wins every time he runs. I believe Colorado is an AMP state, so all other PP's run someone who couldn't win an eleciton there. That guy was me. Truth is, I couldn't win an election anywhere else. I finished a respectable second, and again learned that the newer player will not be given the opportunities that a veteran receives. You just have to climb the totem pole like everybody else does.

My third run, which just happened was extremely disappointing. I was losing 5-3 to Cleveland Fleman in the morning, was losing by 2 to yama45 in the afternoon, and was tied until about 9:00 U.S Central Time. I must've gotten some mobile votes because I went up by 3 with two hours left in the election.
Thinking I had secured a victory I went to sleep happy. I wake up to find I have lost in a tie. I won't rant on INCI, but I was mad that they were the party I lost to. I don't consider them not American, as I've heard they've cooperated very well, but I was just mad that I lost to them.

The keyword for newbies in the first few elections is frustration. I came in with high hopes every election and came out extremely disappointed. I'm not trying to discourage new players from running, I'm just stating my experiences with the system.

Part Six- Friends and Foes
I came into an open community. There were people who came from all angles that could be friends and get along great. There were others who couldn't get along with each other at all.

I wasn't around for the early stages of the game. I can't express the hate for Pizza the Hut like others do so often. I have seen in the past two and a half months what he can do, and what kind of an impact he has on this game. I think it's important to have players like him just so we can keep the game in balance.

Rahm Manuel is a person who I can respect that doesn't particularly agree with me. He's the kind of person who has completely different views than you, but is still someone you don't like to see enter the debate. I'm glad he's on here because he keeps me active and ready to defend my position on something.

I haven't only made enemies along the way. I have made many more friends than enemies. Like I said before it's an open community, you will find a place to fit in. There aren't too many people who look down on you for not being as accomplished as they are. Even Pizza has his own place. That place may change once a month, but he always finds something new.

Portcolumbus and Cody Caine seem to be the people I talk to the most. I don't exclude other players, but I have found myself talking to them more than others. It could be because of the similarities we have. We all run newspapers and are making our name in the world of politics. Portcolumbus is the most successful in both of these areas but he's also been playing the longest.(note how having a successful newspaper is a gateway to the people) My advice to everyone is just to find some people you enjoy talking to and have fun.

The easiest way to make friends is to be active in the media, and to comment on their articles. People tend to like you when you think they're good at something, at least that's what I've noticed. Parties are also a good place to meet new people. Most have a forum. IRC is a common place for players to hang out. I've met some people through IRC myself.

Part Seven- Where I am now
I like where I am now. I don't have many responsibilities, and I am free to do whatever I want. I am a member of the feds and ultramarines, which are both very loose organizations. My newspaper is inside the top 400, and grows by about 10 subscriptions an article. I'm also not living behind the scenes anymore.

Thank you eRepublik for being such an amazing experience. I appreciate everything I have been given, and am glad that I'll always have a second life to fall back on.


to these newspapers

Revolutionary Times
16 Shells
Hell Jumper
Meet The Press
Voice of America
Chae Dee Business
As G as it Gets
DOD Orders
The Allied War Report
After Action Report (I work for that paper)
Newbies Check These Out
Bewbs for Newbs
Meals on Wheels
Goodbye fake America.