What a Joke!

Day 927, 13:11 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

No i am not back from two-clicking, but I was trying to find out how I could get my brother's account back after he clicked the Ad module when it was hacked and his password was changed from an account phishing scheme, and I realized something upsetting.

*Great job Admins on protecting your own freaking module*. BigBrother should just create everything for you, as he is 20 times more competent. Oh, and I appreciate the fact that there is no way to get his password back. Thanks!*
What a freaking joke!

Oh, and I looked over the citizen laws in the forums...hahahaha.

Here it is:

All citizens are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
1.1 Every citizen has the right to choose what company to work for and to receive a payment in exchange for his/her work.
1.2 Every citizen has the right to choose if he/she will participate in a fight or not.

2. No citizen should oppress another citizen.
2.1 Racism, extremism, trolling, flaming and pornography are prohibited.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Really Admins? No flaming or trolling, are you kidding me? Out of the top 5 articles on an average, day, 4 of them will be trolling articles. Almost every single citizen trolls. What a freaking Joke!

Oh, and every citizen has the right to choose what company to work for...then why can't I quit my job until i wait three days? I understand you don't want people joining companies just to screw them over and work with low wellness, but now I am trapped in a bad job in which my salary was lowered, and I am still stuck in this job after 1 day of working. Oh well, guess I can't prevent a PTO in Australia. Also, that's another thing, why is it the citizens job to prevent a PTO, you guys have been doing a good job lately with this, but it is the ADMINS responsibility to prevent PTO's by multi accounters. I like being in Rod Damon's SAC. But come on, this is not my/our job.

Admins...as much as I enjoy your game, and although I am not going to quit and although you will probably give me forfeit points for speaking out against you guys, your game right now...what a freaking joke!


Marcus Patterson
Two-clicker 🙂