Welcome Dictatorship

Day 2,658, 06:57 Published in Greece Greece by mentoris

Good Evening to every fellow citizen.

Today we experienced in e-Greece a coup (dictatorship), using the new rules or eRep.

Many people already know that there is a long time conflict of interest in eGreece.
In particular, some of eGreece military elite (tanks) had a different opinion on how governments handled several issues, such as the alliance issue.
There have been some undemocratic issues from both sides, including issues on the exercise of the government authority which sometimes was not so democratic and issue on the MUs obedience to governments decisions (MUs practically enforcing their own policy on national matters by every mean they had, e.g. battles etc).

However, with democratic elections (at least far more democratic that dictatorship) these issues were in general resolved as the public opinion remained in favor and in line with the existing government policies (most times). However, the opposition had a significant share in the election results and this should be respected up to a point.

I do not aim in being sentimental and mentioning "civil war" matters, which is a disgrace for our community and its citizens. Moreover, I am not going to start a debate whether what is more important MUs or Governments (Military or Politics).
I believe that each part has its own role and purpose in the game. All these issues should be resolved democratically (and by this I do not mean only elections but the whole mind set). Of course the end goal is the prosperity of the community and its citizens, regardless Dictatorship or not.

So with this article I would like to welcome the new regime in eGreece.
I would like to make an open call for support against the dictatorship and to support of the establishment of democracy once again (this time with more respect).
Feel free to express your opinion and ideas on how to do it.

I will do some brainstorming on this some ideas are:
- Start a public debate on dictatorship. After all, this is a Game and dictators are truly just another player/citizen. Maybe with a debate all this situation can me resolved and democracy (on mutually respected basis) can be restored.
- Elect a democratic government (anti-dictatorship) to have at least a back-up government in case it is needed (gets power again).
- Participate in a major hold from the game. This will include stop working and maybe other cases (even battles). In that case the dictator will be governing a country that is actually not functioning. However, I believe that this scenario should be examined for its consequences and effectiveness with respect to its purpose.

As a president of G.A.P. I would like to announce that we change our support for the upcoming (meaningless?) election to one of the major (top 5) candidates. I am selecting to support a democracy supporter. Moreover, I am making an open call for debate on the dictatorship issue.

Viva la Revolution.

Edit: Συγνώμη που το κείμενο είναι στα άγγλικά, αλλα νομίζω οτι θίγω ένα θέμα που έχει και μια διεθνή διάσταση.

Και τέλος ένα μήνυμα προς τους δικτάτορες. Αυτή την φορά δεν υπάρχει δικαιολογία. Την τελευταία μέρα ακούστηκαν για γράφτηκαν διάφορα. Πλέον σαν δικτάτορες και σαν υποστηρικτές της δικτατορίας (ακόμα και αν μετέχουν σε δημοκρατικές διαδικασίες) θα βρεθούν απέναντι σε ότι έχουν δηλώσει κατα καιρούς και θα κριθούν σαν πολίτες αλλά και σαν ηγέτες. Και δεν μιλάω για το πραξικόπημα, μιλάω για τις πράξεις και τις ενέργειες που θα γίνουν. Και πλέον όλα "καταγράφονται" τουλάχιστον στην μνήμη και δεν θα μπορεί να υπάρξει αμφισβήτηση. Οπότε αν φανείτε κατώτεροι των περιστάσεων ή "ιδιώτες¨ (σε σχέση με τα κοινά) όπως αρκετοί πιστεύουν θα έχετε και τις ανάλογες συνέπειες. Ρόδα είναι...