Warfare, ONE is Pushing Through!?!

Day 1,662, 13:03 Published in USA USA by DIRTY ANGELS
Hello My Friends

Dark times are coming ahead in the TEDEN alliance. ONE is starting to rise to power, which means poverty will start to take us as gold prices rise, all market items prices go down, and Money for Jobs will fall. This will all be caused by ONE taking over our territories. In them doing this it will take away resource bonuses, and that will make our economy bad.

So if things keep on going like they are this is what I predict is going to happen.

Green: TEDEN
Black: Where I suspect a lot of fighting

My Predictions if we LET them push us around

I think that Poland/ONE is going to push through us with ease from what is happening now (does not mean to stop fighting) and at our French Colony we are going to hold them, possibly, off as in win one or two campaigns. Now as you can see in Spain, Portugal is pushed back to it's original spot and China is pushed out other than in that one territory of the coast of Spain. I didn't really have any predictions in that area.

Now we can hold them off now if all goes well this can happen...

Green: TEDEN
Black: Where I suspect a lot of fighting

My Predictions if we can push them back.

Yet again I don't have Spain in this because I truly don't know what is going to happen.

Update Section

No new announcements. I hope you enjoy this article! More will come! How can I stop this when so much is going on!! Anyway I would like you to hit the Vote button in blue 😃 😛

Keep Fighting My Friends!!
