war and cheap Q4 gifts

Day 355, 11:29 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Let me get started by saying that if you are still in Indonesia the Q4 gifts there are extremely cheap. They are going for 2 IDR which is about the equivalent of $2 USD. I suggest you pick up as many as you can and share them among your friend list. We are all sorely in need of health.

Now on to the topic of the war in Indonesia. I think that our eUSA Army needs to really work on it's command structure and get the President on board. Moishe developed a great ECHO system for communicating orders. However, the President decided to send us to war by publishing it in a newspaper article and via shout so when I saw that I decided to wait until I got direct orders from my CO. That didn't happen until more than 24 hours later. In that time the war in Australia went from winnable to a loss. By the time I got there I only was able to fight 3 times before they reformed their wall (the representation of how well a fight is going). Something else that made things complicated was that I had to ask to be fired before I could deploy. I was still under that 72 hour employment freeze from taking a new job and couldn't resign to deploy to Indonesia so Chimi suggested I ask to be fired. It worked.

Speaking of fighting I had to figure out how to use the hospital system. One of my friends didn't utilize this and wasn't able to get the 40 wellness from the Q4 hospital in Java. When I used it I accessed it right from the battle screen which took me to a hospital screen where I was able to chose to heal. You can heal once a day on a day that you did battle. So I was less than 50 health after my first two battles, healed for 40, and had one more battle before waiting till the next day. An hour later the battle was over so I'm worried it's going to take forever for me to get back to 100 wellness. Making things more complicated is that I'm now working for Inferno's Q5 defense company again. This takes 5 wellness from me a day in addition to my 1 wellness from training for a total of -6 wellness. Now, I'm getting Q4 food and have a Q4 house but I still worry that it will take weeks to get back to 100 wellness unless I get some daily gifting. Ugh.

That's about all for now. Get some of those gifts from Indonesia and help out the folks on your friends list. This is the reason we get salaries ... it's not like there are a lot of things we can spend our money on.