Wages Becoming Unsustainable - Part II

Day 1,247, 20:53 Published in USA USA by John Killah

This is a follow up article – The first part can be found here

A week ago, I wrote an article about how I felt that wages were becoming unsustainable. Today, I thought I’d take a look at what’s happened since and my thoughts now.

So, like I mentioned, a week ago, some one at my skill level (Then Guru* - 10) could of earned $46 by accepting the job at the top of the market. Using a grain company as an example, I pointed out that some of that Economic Rank would have only made the company $42.75, a loss of $3.25. With me so far? I hope so.

Now, the situation to me, has become worse. A Guru* can now stand to make $62 at the current top offer. That’s $16 more! That’d be ok if RM Prices were increasing, but looking at it now, quite frankly, they’re not doing it by much. Instead they’re only around 0.50 (Having floated around 0.43 – 0.45 recently) so now, that poor company is making a loss of not $3.25, but $13.50! Again, here come some numbers like last week –

The person works like that every day for a week – That person has cost you $94.50.
The Entire Company works like that for a week (Based at Recommended Employees) – They’ve cost you $945.00
Bonus one – That happens for a month: $3780

Now, I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to lose $3780 a month. That’s more money then I earned working for 6 months when I first started … in fact, it’s a hell of a lot! Now, last week, I asked what you feel should be done, and I’m now going to shout out the comments and my thoughts on those suggestions –

I liked this idea, but only if you were employing people who were new to the game. Most people learn that the best way to keep their job is to work with high health. A good idea none- the-less and I think the admins might have to consider that.

Another great idea. This could work, but the problem with it is that people would simply just leave the company and find a job that pays more. Still, if this was automated, it’d be brilliant, especially if it was made compulsory by the admins (fat chance, but a man can dream right?)

And Finally

Communes are pretty effective, I mean after all, the Militia’s and Military use it. I like the idea, and also, it made me laugh cause when I first read it, it sounded like propaganda to join The Socialist Freedom Party.

That’s all I got to write about this week, but I’ll most likely be back next week to see how the situation looks, but my prediction is it’s going to be worse as Wages Increase and the Market stays the same.

On my final note, I would like to shout out an article by a person who is aspiring to be Congressman of Idaho. Before you jump to conclusions, he’s not a multi of me or vice versa, simply a good friend who runs under the same surname. His article can be found here