Voting. Or my recent votes and blah blah blah.

Day 2,126, 00:46 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aultman

For the last 10 days or so I have not really voted. Not because I wasn't on or because I didn't have a position on them but because by the time I saw the bloody things they had already passed. Right now I have also not been on irc much. This shall change in another week as at that point my work schedule will even out and not be so draining. Till then I shall only have time to read articles and such on here. Also will get active back in the forums to. Blah. Been one of those weeks.

On a completely different topic I voted for Whitey for PP. Why? Mainly cause I have not seen him cause drama. Only he and Alpha wrote articles that I could see and Alpha tends to alienate people that aren't in the same party as he is. I think Alpha getting to be PP and then interacting with the other PP's could lead to some of that old drama. If it wasn't for that one single aspect I would probly vote for Alpha. He's a great back room worker... just don't want him interacting with the customer. This is not an attack or any such non sense. just me stating my choice and the reasons behind it.