Vote PnPP for Congress!

Day 2,804, 11:12 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Oboacer

Hello eKiwis,

Well it is voting day and the top-five parties have presented their candidates for selection and it will be you the voters who will decide on our next delegation to the NZ Congress. These elections (though technically void of authority due to Dictator) are important as they serve as a gauge for the opinions of the people and the confidence they have in the NZ political leadership.

With this being said I'm coming to you today to ask that you cast your vote for the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party (PnPP) party list .

I'm pleased with the great selection of candidates we have presented in this edition for the elections. Without delay here are our candidates

Dizzy Ramon- Current Congressmen and Deathwatch Guard Commander
JarkesH- PnPP Party President
M1TRO- former NZ Country President and PnPP Councillor
Genkraju- dedicated party member and NZ fighter

These candidates have all dedicated themselves to NZ and shown their commitment in both combat, politics and helping to develop a sense of community. This is why I would encourage voters to use their democratic ballot and cast a vote for this great slat and let them help to ensure that the next Congress is representative of all Kiwis!

So in closing I will ask that voters carefully consider the options presented before them and consider casting a vote for the PnPP. Not only have we presented a well rounded party-list but we have sought to ensure that voters see the choices we are offering through the media feed.

I hope that you will take this vote serious and consider casting it for the PnPP and for a more active and democratic NZ!

Much Thanks!

PnPP Secretary General