vote for me again ... eh?

Day 641, 23:04 Published in Canada USA by scrabman

I'm running for Congress again (in British Columbia now because it was just liberated). Yes, after 5 terms as Congressman in the USA and Canada (current term - Alaska); 1.5 terms as Party President of the USWP; and 3.5 terms as the eUSA President I've been offered a spot to run for the Canadian Congress again and I will accept the call ... particularly after the USWP decided to extend and then retract an invitation to serve in what may be the last Congress the eUSA fields.

Yes, apparently the USWP Executive Board isn't happy that I gave Harrison Richardson the chance to redeem himself from his actions in a former life as the character we know as Franco.

I've stated all my reasons here:,9180.0.html

People are free to disagree with my judgment of his character. This is a social strategy game and I can honestly say that Harrison Richardson played the game straight and did more to help the eUSA than I can say about 98% of the rest of the citizenry.

Oh well, bygones. Anyway, I ran for the Canadian Congress last term to help prevent a PTO by Hungary and we succeeded. I don't know how many of those guys are still around but I enjoyed helping out with voting and other things during this last month. So I'll try it again and see if I'm invited to stick around for a while by the citizens of eCanada.

Vote Scrabman or I'll have to find something else to do with all of this free time that I now have!