Understanding the game and the freedom of choice

Day 2,487, 06:15 Published in India India by Patanjali
Om bhūr bhuvah svah

I noticed two interesting articles those days, articles that push me to write one myself too.

First, it was a … question, I presume, if we should have Food and Weapons factory (or just buy them from market).

Second was about the strategy (for an average Indian – let name it Raju) to adopt in this game, in this country.

From the first article one could understand (and some comments even say that) it is better to work for a good payment to someone else and just buy your weapons and/or food, for the daily use.

Now, with the production was never easy and, we must understand that the first form of domination / slavery was to borrow the work power from others (generally in exchange of colored glass beads). So, in this case (of owning nothing and working for others) is about the RISK you face in such condition, because you are always dependent on the good will of others (the producers) and, Adam Smith told that too, we could not rely on the benevolence of the butcher, baker, brewer, etc for our daily food, but on them interest.

What mean to have a food company ?

You first have to get enough raw materials to get the factory up and running.
(for Food or Weapons it is the same)
Quality 1
Quality 2
Quality 3
Quality 4

For each “work” you do in such a raw material company you lose 10 “wellness” – and don’t have the food to replenish it yet.

In the case of Factory’s we have:
Cost Consumption Energy
Q Cash Gold Raw / product / Q max
1 1 10 100 2 200
2 2 20 200 4 400
3 3 70 300 6 600
4 4 170 400 8 800
5 5 370 500 10 1000
6 6 770 600 12 1200
7 20 1200 2000 20 2000

With weapons is pretty much the same.

Second article was looking to a strategic decision, suggesting it is better to work in China (big payment) and stay in Indonesia (ally country and near). Also instructing players to use money they earn to buy (not to produce) food and weapons.

How I see the things ?

If anyone is intereste😛

In this game you could chose two major paths.
First one is to be “dependent”. In this case the best “link” will be with an Military Unit or the Government directly, so they will provide you food and weapons for daily fight and missions and you will grow in one day like others in 10.

Second one is to do it by yourself. It is the hard way, but so you could be “independent” if this worth anything.
Sure, the second path is not so filled with excitement and adrenaline like the first one (on which is supposed you are in a “pack”, having comrades, fun, chat, etc.
Yet, I believe it is a much sure one.

That for, to form a really strong nation, connected with strong bonds among all citizens (not just few packs), I believe every and each Indian should be “independent”, meaning he/she could produce what is needed.

In this case, the Government (and MU) will not matter so much, and the citizen will be really valued, because he/she will be strong.

That kind of citizens could (and should) unite to form a great nation, not those who chose to take the easy way, pursuit the personal interest abroad and don’t care about motherland.
In case of those citizens, who are independent, we could really talk about a Union in Diversity.

Otherwise we will never achieve it, but just dream about it.


Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !

Chalte, Chalte !