Trolling Nation

Day 1,457, 14:40 Published in Canada Canada by OLloyd

Can’t we just all get along? With so much hateful trolling happening I think we are forgetting the purpose of trolling in eCanada…We are all here cause we like the game, we have disagreements, that’s normal. When I started playing almost 1 year ago the trolling was fun and reasonable. The trolling was light hearted, in the last 3 months it has taken a serious turn toward mean. eCanadians aren’t really mean to each other are we? We all fought together when ePoland wiped us off the map…we all fought together to take London…All the parties worked hard last go ‘round when Lego-Kuns and his goons took over the UN and we put CANVision into the top 5 to keep the threat from being a top 5 party. We did that together…Why is it now that in all our cooperation we are fighting so much? We all have staying power, we all like the game (as much as well all complain we still keep logging in).
Why can’t we bring back the fun ribbing and stop the hateful trolling. Where did the good natured trolling go? The trolling that made you giggle, not the trolling that cuts players down…We need to get back to the basics and stop the rude, hateful trolling. From here on out I am not going to do any more hateful trolling and I challenge you all to do the same. We are eCanadians, we can do better than this! Lets show those pesky Romanians that we can be civil to each other…they are only here to steal our tax money and fracture our eCountry!

The Wiki defines trolling this way:
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun troll may refer to the provocative message itself, as in: "That was an excellent troll you posted".