To Support and Defend Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

Day 448, 17:19 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Some of you may recognize the title as a truncated, bare bones version of the military oath taken by all those who serve in the Armed Forces of the real USA. So you might wonder why I've entitled an article by that name. The answer is, simply, that oath should apply here in the eUSA as much as in the real world...and it should apply to all citizens of the eUSA.

You may be aware that the war module is coming online and (with the removal of trivia), for the time being, it will be a rather short and, by all reasonable assumptions, a fairly straightforward click-fest when it drops.

What does this mean? It means that the eUSA citizens need to be prepared for the worst. Over the last few weeks we got lucky. While Atlantis has been going through shake-ups, the war module was down and PEACE never had a chance to capitalize on the weaknesses that emerged, but that safety net is no longer around. We will be open to attack, and I'm not sure Atlantis is fully functioning still. What's worse, the money problems have left us just barely above the bankruptcy line. If an attack is launched against us (or reason forbid, more than one!), we will be hard pressed to fight back when we suffer from monetary deficiencies!

Therefore, with the reemergence of war and the rather tenuous position that the eUnited States of America finds itself in, I am issuing a call to all Americans to keep an eye out and be ready. If the time comes that someone attempts to take advantage of our recent troubles, it may be necessary for the nation as a whole To Support and Defend Against All Enemies.

Be ever vigilant! Watch not only our nation, but all others!

The Watchman

"Who watches the watchers?"