Tiger traces leading to the Lotus flower

Day 1,119, 01:04 Published in India India by Patanjali

Our most effective costumes are the assumptions and preconceptions the audience has about us. –Rheinvar the Magnificent

When others place impossible expectations on a man, he must redefine his goals, and forge his own path. That way at least someone is satisfied. - Swordmaster Istian Goss
Mean time, listen to that, if you like

Sometimes an comment could worth much more than an entire article.

I have noticed before that our friend Ashwamedh is the one who is in charge with ours evolution in relation with Prakrti, the matter, and to sustain this, I will quotte him to (like the other famous characters from Dune).
Human society has always been self-centred around greed..sometimes on a personal level, other times on a community level. The irony is that this is the engine that drives progress and invention. For is not invention a desire to either survive or dominate by going one up on your closest adversary - be it nature or humankind.” – Ashwamedh, in „stop and think” by miles 247

Is it so ? Are we all driven by greed ?

Let me put the question in a different manner.
Did Patanjali have been driven by selfishness when wrotte, and offered to us the Yoga Sutra ?
Have been Kapila driven by vanity and self pride when wrotte „Shamkya karika” ?
Or, more recently, did Vivekananda (Swami, not our friend Vivi : D) have been working so hard just for him ?

Perhaps the Aryans conquered the Mohenjo Daro and Harappa for greed, perhaps, but after that they prove themselves to be one of the greatest civilizations on earth and give hoppe to all of us.
Because, you see, people tend to have expectations and them world is much more populated by those dreams and thought and, some of us, also have expectations regarding India too.n

We are not interested in economical Boom of today India, nor in the status of 7-th world military power, or the membership of the FMI board he aquiered this year.
We seek the Purusa of India. And you could not deceive us telling that it is no more.

So, because in the previous article we agreed that this game could be a tool to improve our RL, I came with another question.

You see, some ppl here, just develop army of clones, work them in company’s and earn gold. After that they sold the so earned gold to others for RL money.

Could we earn even some spiritual progress or, at least, beauties for our souls, here ?

Be aware !