The University Is Now OPEN!

Day 2,023, 12:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

We have exciting news for you TODAY! I am glad to announce that The University is now OPEN to the public! You are free to register an account and be a part of this community building, fun, intellectually stimulating, and enriching our eIrish society!

You can get a basic run-down of the University by CLICKING HERE! Although the University staff still have not become official, the University's discussion areas are open and all interested citizens are encouraged to sign up immediately! 🙂

Unfortunately we did not get this set up in time to host a debate this CP election, but we may get the chance to interview whoever wins the CP race! Next elections we will get the chance to host a debate. Democracy only works when voters are informed about the candidates they are voting for.

Once again, it's OPEN TO YOU! Check it out, register, and have fun!

Another edition of "Hits From The Bong"

Your's Truly,
and all of my comrades