The truth about your newly adopted son

Day 2,435, 07:58 Published in United Kingdom Serbia by Michael Alan Westen

Hello people of UK
I wanted to share a few word with you and show what acctualy your new friend SerFartsalot in fact is.

You see he was a member of our community,my friend Djole.SH let him in.

So you see in the time when he came here you were against him as against any Serb that came here.

Then he started to come to channels and talk and talk,very nice words I must say...
And then he revealed very subtly how he got big money and so on and so on...
Ofc he probably bought some people packs/stashes so you got to like him even more
Why not,easy money no problem right...

Well you see that same SerFartsalot wanted pretty much to destroy you when he came here.
To help that so called TO of this country
And now he is good,or at least he is pretending to be good until he use you and throw you away :/

You see I got one very nice log from Rizon where this SerFartsalot(aka known as strale in that time) has one very nice plan

atohnhaketon😛rt who are you?I can't connect all things
strale: SerFartsalot
strale:I've shared some proposals with ClairVoyance,so if you have time
atohnhaketon: Oh it is you
atohnhaketon:I came here and waiting for you to hear them
strale: xD
strale: here
strale: we need to completely isolate them in the media and kick pcp and tup out
strale: ofc by buying votes
strale😒o that their articles aren't in top5
strale: with that they aren't popular so much and cool
strale: that is the first thing
strale: I'll buy 4-5 articles a day
atohnhaketon: Ok I agree but we need a lot of money for that
strale: no problem
strale: I got enough cc
strale: you just write good articles

strale: I got enough cc
strale: you just write good articles
strale: perfidious more
strale: not so termagant
atohnhaketon: We can make those 🙂
strale:It is best if I buy articles that I buy articles that doesn't have connections with you and which spits on them
strale: like the one that I bought today
atohnhaketon: yeah
atohnhaketon: which one?
strale: the one that candidated for PP of PCP
strale: *that
strale: 😃
atohnhaketon: freedom?
strale: yes
strale: you didn't really thought that he is popular?
strale: xD
atohnhaketon: I thought he was some old player that everyone knew 😃
strale: But he already got some voters there and acroc doesn't like him
strale: just so they can argue a little bit
atohnhaketon: ideally

atohnhaketon: Ideally
strale: second proposal
strale: if the voting in NE goes well
strale: if the votes are ok
strale: BSU could take one of the smaller parties
strale: and with that get some of the inactive players from that party
strale: and enter TOP5
strale: we only need 20 votes
strale: 😃
strale: problem solved
atohnhaketon: I think we can do that only to see how voting in NE goes
strale: third proposal,we could destroy pcp completely
strale: although clairvoyance said that they are finished
atohnhaketon:this part i like the most 😃
strale: and that it is no use
strale: but ...
atohnhaketon: they go on my "thing" the most 😃
strale: yeah they are most active
strale: if they are finished,others are piece of cake

atohnhaketon: yeah I don't like them also
atohnhaketon: watch this now
atohnhaketon: I found 4 men that will go to WRP,PCP,TUP,UKRP 5 minutes before daychange so they would need to leave 40 votes at least there,because that's how much we can move
atohnhaketon: and they wouldn't know which party would we target
atohnhaketon: from that four
atohnhaketon: so I hope that less people would join NE to vote for Wayne
strale: as I understood it
strale: they won't vote for Wayne
strale: and they don't have much people
atohnhaketon: well they call for the PTO of New Era so id doesn't matter who they vote for
strale: yeah
strale: but they need at least 80 votes 😃
atohnhaketon: yeah
atohnhaketon: that's why I want four our guys to go there so they can't win with one vote 😃
strale: yeah
strale: but they have to be there earlier so others can know on time 😃
strale: they are already there i think
strale: vuk,winston
strale: who else?
strale: is vuk in BSU?

strale: who else?
strale: is vuk in bsu??
atohnhaketon: vuk is one of the shoepeople
atohnhaketon: he is not ours
strale: aha
strale: ok
strale: anyway now we need to kick them out of media as much as possible
strale: out of top5
atohnhaketon: no no they will enter just before daychange so they wouldn't send somebody to bsu
strale: I will force this slobodar(freedom) to write more articles and demand more in the party 😃
atohnhaketon: ok 😃
strale: Imagine that he wins
strale: He already has few supporters there
atohnhaketon: ahahha that would be hit
strale: shism
strale: they even think he is with serbs
atohnhaketon: xD
strale: 22:21 SerFartsalot Coltan Bonobo seems like a good CP candidate for PCP 22:22 MarkTD yeah 22:22 MarkTD I agree, 200%
strale: 😃
strale: on pcp

atohnhaketon: 😃
strale: acroc just banned me
atohnhaketon: xD
atohnhaketon: he is just jealous 😃
strale: aha

You see his plan was to destroy PCP -the same party in which he says he got first place for Alex Popovic for congress

Calross offered me first place for Aleksandar and Congress in PCP,so I'll prpbably go there.That will be first medal for him
And he invested much money to achive that

You see that his plan at the end failed,Woldy won and we didn't attack other parties.
We wanted to defend NE first not attack others rightaway.And we could.

So you see what kind of men you now worship
I hope you realize he will use you one day and then betray you just like he did with us

He can now say whatever he wants,how he changed,how he thought that was something else bla bla
But at least some of you will now see what he really is
A man you can't put your trust in