The True Unity Party

Day 725, 07:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

From the title some of you may be expecting some sordid sex scandal I have discovered from The Unity Party. However, this is not the case. The sex scandals I have dug up have scarred me for life and I’m too nice to release their details. Likewise, I won’t reveal who starred in them.

No, this article is not a part of the petty politics that are engulfing the nation. The “Left vs. Right” battle between The Unity Party and the Free Democratic Party. This article is about how the Radical Freethinkers Alliance are the true unity party of the UK.

The FDP and TUP are bitterly fighting, almost daily and their petty squabbles are getting in the way of actually helping the UK. They spend more time trying to best each other, and mock the other that they are ignoring the people of our country, and the country itself. Competency and talent is ignored, some members of either side would refuse to work with their opposites in the rival party.

Here is the definiton of "unity":

the state of being united or joined as a whole, especially in a political context

Does this make you automatically think of the unity TUP have ever so obviously spread through the UK? Lets think about it as we go through the rest of this article.

So how does the RFA fit into this?

By staying centre. By staying free from the politics that are engulfing the UK and working hard to actually improve this country. The RFA is the party you join if you want to have an open mind on anything. It is the party that puts the UK first. It is the party that will bring the UK out of the slump it currently finds itself in.

In the recent Country Presidential elections, the RFA decided to run its own candidate in an attempt to show it was free from the party politics of the country. We ran our own candidate to show we will not bend over for any side, that we will take both sides with equal merit, and choose from their our course of action. One that is best for you.

What do the RFA stand for though?

For my brief version of this section of the article, I’ll break it into three parts, and then bring up more issues at the bottom.

Radical – The RFA is not afraid to do stuff that is exciting, dangerous and risky. We will do whatever it takes for the UK to be fun. We don’t sit at the sidelines and stare at the World passing us by, as many people in the UK currently seem fond of doing. We will do what is right for you, no matter what it takes, no matter what side of the political spectrum, no matter what.

Freethinkers – The RFA is the “individual’s collective”. We are a party of individuals, each with their own different viewpoints and beliefs, but we share a common goal. To make the UK a better place. Communists and right-wingers work among our ranks, together. They realize that sometimes the other side of the political landscape has the right idea on how to improve us, they accept this graciously. The RFA will debate an idea, look at both sides of the argument and decide what is best for the country, regardless of whether it is right wing or left wing. In the RFA we accept each other’s varying opinions, and against all odds, we get along. The RFA is a family, everyone has their roles and is respected for their achievements. Everyone has a voice. And we encourage them to use it.

Alliance – We are together, as one. We may disagree sometimes. But in the end we always reach the right conclusion, with no hard feelings in between. We also seek other, like minded individuals to help us in our cause; this can be either individuals or full parties. Whoever wishes to assist us improve the UK for once is obviously welcome. Members of TUP branded RFA as part of the “Right” which they fight so bitterly against. The simple truth of this is that they are completely wrong. The “Right” decided to support the RFA because they knew we were the way forward. The only way to get things actually done in the UK.

It just saddens me that some people are so desperate to glorify their party at the country’s expense.

Here is an article I have written previously explaining the RFA’s position in more detail. Simply, we are an alliance of friends, of equals. An alliance which seeks to improve this game, while not wasting our time in the petty politics that some seem so keen on raging through the country.

If any of this interests you, please, PM me/add me as a friend and ask me all the questions you may have for me.

But before we finish, lets look again at "unity":

the state of being united or joined as a whole, especially in a political context

Now does that make you think more of TUP? Or does it make you know the Radical Freethinkers Alliance's aim?

Thanks for reading,
Just a guy tryin’ to help.

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