The Treaty

Day 2,191, 14:33 Published in USA USA by Bill Bergey

The treaty between Spain/Poland and America says the current occupied areas in America shall stay occupied. At the time, people are starting and fighting in RWs in these areas. We can't liberate any of these regions or there will be consequences. You need to fight against America, and for Poland in these battles. If you fight for Poland and defeat 25 enemies, you'll be closer to getting a Mercenary award.
To those who think they're "patriots" for fighting for us when we're occupied, You're wrong. If you would fight those battles and we win one, We violate our treaty and we risk being wiped again. For those that are too young to understand what I'm talking, We signed a treaty after we took over completely by Spain and Poland. We get our land back, they keep a few territories.
Remember for the benefit of America: Fight for Poland.