The Real UKRP

Day 1,999, 15:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds


You see a lot of rumours that float around about who the UKRP is, what we stand for, and what we do. You have a few people (not naming names INSECTS) that try to misrepresent us as a Party because they're either immature, haven't spent any time in or around the actual party itself, or dislike one of our members.

Fair do's to them. That's their opinion, but I figure who better to tell you what the UKRP represents than the oldest man (figuratively speaking ofc, HI DNOUSER) in the clubhouse.

So, without further ado, here's what you can expect when you join our group of merry (and not in that way) men and women.

1. We represent freedom in every aspect of this game. We love having everyone in our group having the chance to do anything they want within this game. You can be like me, who's spent enough time on this game to kill a mule and now keeps to what he wants (normally the forums and IRC with his homies), or you can be the kind of member that sits here for 60+ hours a week in game. It's your game, and we're not going to tell you how you can, and cannot enjoy it.

2. We represent individuality. You can believe what you want, which is pretty unique for most "parties". We all share some connection, but that is usually based on friendship. My best friend in this game is a socialist at heart, but that doesn't stop us from HERMANO'ing everywhere. You don't have to be 100% right wing to be in the UKRP. You're also more than welcome to be 100% right wing. It depends on what you want.

3. We believe in person above Party. Every time we run an election poll, we do so based on the person and their ability to lead, not what party they belong to. If you're someone like an insect and fail spectacularly, we probably won't back you, but if you're a dirty commie who has potential (HI ACROC), we'll give you a shot.

4. We believe in supporting you via the group, not some Government scheme. If you need weapons, let me know and I'll drop you some. I've never told anyone no. I can vouch for about 20 different players in that regard within our party alone. We have no problem helping you. We do have a problem "buying your loyalty" by promising you crap to join the party. If the only thing you want from anyone is for them to give you crap, you're probably better off with the insects anyway given that if you can't be sufficient enough to earn your own stuff, you're probably better off with an insect who buys gold every day anyway.

That's it. None of this "LOLCHEAT" or "UKRP-R-DIRTY-RIGHT" stuff. If you want to get free crap, you can probably look somewhere else. If you want to make genuine friends who will be there to help you out, the UKRP is a pretty cool place to hang.

Especially since that's pretty much the only thing this game still stands by is the "Social" aspect of its name as they've removed the strategy and multiplayer benefits anyway.

Just Another Guy
....who has been around a very long time.