The President of e-Bolivia in Castelorosso!

Day 1,168, 10:53 Published in Greece Greece by Orfeas Tsakalos

Dear readers of Castelorosso,

Today we host the interview of the President of e-Bolivia, cibermau38. In recent posts we hosted the opinion of a team of e-Bolivians that accused the current government of PTO, stimulated by Argentina. See the articles below:

We made some questions to the President of that small South American country, and below you will read the same story from a different perspective. This article might make some Bolivian friends of mine sad, but it is duty of mine as a journalist to always report both sides of an incident. And so the interview begins:

Please forgive me if any of the answers are not so comprehensive, but they sent me the answers in Spanish, and I used google translate. If anyone wants to help please feel free to contact.

1.Can you give us a summary of the history of Bolivia in eRepublic?

When Bolivia was created, a group of rebel insurgents, the Argentine government, moved to Bolivia (Che Guevara, yuyujuanpe, Fabrizio, Jesusfbo, Herland, Hiriak, Quilan Vos, etc), trying to create an ideal e-socialist country, that they could never bring out in e-Argentina. Because of this, and in retaliation to the ideologies of all South American countries they decided to have an uncompromising stance in the respective alliances that existed in the e-continent (AHA and ALA). Therefore these members later put e-Bolivia to EDEN, which brought a series of ongoing threats to military stability in the region, luego plasmado en el TO polaco a Peru.(could not get a proper translation)

Under the leadership of this group of individuals, Bolivia had not any industrial or economic progress, as the profits, awards, medals, golds and experience points remained in the hands of a few players (or what we call ... The Elite proEDEN).

After a political error, eBolivia remained without a president and no congress, which was the right time for the rest of South American players try to come to power by democratic means and so try to stabilize the region from the policy. And we were not so bad.

So the Pindonga Nacionalista movement was born, then along with all its factions managed to get for five months a strong presence in the country, reducing the presence of the enemy, causing the exodus, and also an economic stabilization after the disaster that left us.

In return, hospitals, defense systems and businesses through low and competitive rates were built, in addition to promoting "war games" with Argentina and Chile.

2. Give us a summary of the situation in South America? Relationships between countries. The role of Brazil and Argentina.

Our relationship is excellent with the whole continent. According to geography and population, Brazil and Argentina are the two major regional powers, but even so they respect our work and we provide support and containment. Venezuela "sold" part of its territory to Spain, and Peru is a land of EDEN. In Paraguay there is a half odd situation because there are threats of Natural Enemy by some players, but fortunately the issue was solved by the leaders of both governments and there were no official attacks.

3. What is your reaction to the accusations that the congress is taken over by Argentinian PTO?

The Take Over was initially from the Elite in ProEDEN period, we only came to eBolivia in a purely democratic and we are against any PTO actions.

4. Where are the people, that claim these accusations, targeting, according to your opinion?

Those who play in e-Bolivia are playing in American citizens, some natives in Bolivia, some coming from the rest of the continent. Incluso tambien del lado opositor al nuestro.(could not get a proper translation) Those who are from Europe, to play there.

5. What are your reactions to the attacks of Argentina?

With Argentina we have "war games" and these are beneficial for both parties.

6. Why do you have no allies at all? What has happened?

We believe that there is no need to waste money on partnerships. We have other more serious problems to solve.

7. Do you intend even now to ask from countries to become allies?

Which countries wish to be allies with us? The alliance EDEN? No thanks, we are not interested.

8. Why is the first in votes Congress member, seba-geek, permanently banned?

It's a pity, Arthur Evans did the same and a few more players as well. We know of several players who make these practices (probably meaning multies), which although not endorse, nor deny that they exist. The risk is on account of each player.

9. Don't you worry that several e-Bolivians are requesting citizenship either in Peru or even Spain? What will you do to make them return?

Soldier who flees, serves for another war. Si tanto aman a eBolivia deberian haberse preocupado en su momento por evitar dejar el gobierno acefalo y que Fanasimpson tome el mando. (could not get a proper translation)

Editor's Comment

cibermau38's interview made me consider a lot. What is PTO? When a country A undermines another country's B government, sending agents which will insert into the government and act in favor of the A country. OK, and what about people who deny being in their native e-country and decide to go to another country? because they find it more interesting or even more challenging? These e-citizens cannot be considered as PTOers, but there will always be a question of liability. Imagine a political person in e-Greece that cannot speak Greek.

However, cibermau38 did accept that he is not a native Bolivian, not even his fellows. But he said that his acts profited e-Bolivia. So having a good will, let's see how is Bolivia now under non-native Bolivian government.

Firstly, no allies. cibermau38 said we do not need them. Maybe they are powerful, let's see the map...oh...two territories only, always under attack by Argentina, and not the same ones. Some days ago Bolivia had Beni and Cochabamba and Chucuisa;a and Tarija, These two territories. Then Argentina attacked Cochabamba and Bolivia started resistance in Santa Cruz. Argentina conquered Cochabamba and Bolivia Santa Cruz (3 days ago). After that Argentina attacked Santa Cruz and Bolivia started a resistance in Pando. Guess what, Argentina conquered Santa Cruz and Bolivia Pando (yesterday). Finally Argentina attacked Pando and Bolivia started a resistance in Cochabamba. And Again Argentina conquered Pandο and Bolivia Cochabamba (today). Sounds weird if you consider that Bolivia is a small country with NO allies and Argentina is a big country with 7 allies (including USA and Brazil).

And now let's see what Bolivia administration does. All they do is trading embargo to Spain (why?), donations to La Fruteria (there are accusations that La Fruteria is accessed by Argentina), and today they propose as Natural Enemy Mr. NOONE. Peace with Argentina? maybe, but when were they in war?

I leave the rest to you. To think and to conclude if current Bolivian government works for Argentina or not.

That's all from me, concerning that matter...
Βest regards to Bolivia, and wish for solving their problems, if there are any...

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