The lesson Canada needs, but not the one it wants right now.

Day 942, 18:07 Published in Canada Philippines by Mawasha

I’m gone for a night and it Detective Dade and his CSIS goons have found the real theft, our one and only 1ronman. And while most of eCan now hates him (even more than after the Jacobi mudslingging); can you really blame him? I agree that hacking passwords through PMs is a huge invasion of privacy, but that’s not what this article is about. This is about corruption.

This silly demotivational poster is how a lot of eCanadains have to feel right now, the powers that be (which seem to revolve around a group) have a huge advantage over people not directly involved in government affairs. Even legal things such as Bond buying (also 1ronman, irony at its best) or raffles for RW medals; if you are part of congress (or active on forums) you get access to better things.

I’m not here to say that this is necessarly wrong, if you are involved more you are more aware and able to participate on whats going on, but it would be nice if the public (the people that elect you after all) were more informed of oppourtunities that are going on in eCanada.

*The hero canada really needs *

On a final note; Dade I honestly thought you were going to be another “DAL President”, but really you have been excellent; good job.

*No disrespect intended, I just thought this was hilarious and kinda fitting (plus im American IRL)*