The GUARDIANS are waking up! [Recruiting new members]

Day 2,872, 04:47 Published in Switzerland Ireland by Blackbeard00

Hello eWorld.

Switzerland finally is going to the right direction, after the TO of the Nemesis. But there is still danger, and Swiss need protection and new guardians. The oldest, most prestigious military unit in Switzerland Swiss Guard is recruiting new members.

The guardians are waking up and preparing for the future battles and organise the MU for this event and the next events who are coming. We have small number of active players and that is the problem, so we are searching for active fighters also we want 2 click players i mean all citizens who want to help and contribute to the MU and Swiss community.

The Swiss Guard its not only a MU its small family of good fellas who are helping each other and have some fun playing the game. But Swiss Guard would not be this If Rican was not the Leader who is gathered all this fellas together.

So we all like to thank the great leader Rican!

If you have some questions don`t be shy ask in comment or PM.


And don`t forget to VOTE-SHOUT-SUB!!

Blackbeard00 proud Guardian.