The Glorious History of an eRepublik: Part II

Day 1,642, 12:06 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

In the days of the Second Men,
Empires spread across the land.

Small nations with great strength
Could conquer continents.
These grand empires would fight
For scarce resources.
Iron and Diamond were kings
And they were coveted more than all else.

No one nation could hold the mines
And so they gathered close to them allies.
United, they would defend and attack.

Their goal: world domination.
Two alliances spanning the globe,
Clashed again and again
And the world shuddered
Under the boots of their armies.

Both planned to destroy their enemy
But neither side could reign triumphant
So long as the other stood united.
To protect their precious regions,
Nations would prepare.
In those days of the world,
War was expensive;
The costs could drive men and nations to poverty.
They erected massive fortifications,
Works of concrete and steel risen from the earth;

Hospitals rising above cities
Tending to the wounded soldiers
Fresh from battle;

Tanks were produced in mighty factories,
Zealously hoarded and expended
For only the grandest of battles;

Entire nations moved their people
Building massive strongholds--
Fortresses, whose very size forbade attack;
But in secret rooms, under the dark of night
Plans were made that would forever change
The New World in ways none could imagine.

Vile betrayal!
Under the guise of training,
Redcoats gave up Scotland;
The Huns poured across the ocean.

World War III erupted
And the New World burned.
The remaining Giants and the Second Men clashed;
The entire world fought, as never before.
The rally cries erupted from nation to nation.
As the fires of war spread, thousands more were drawn to the cause.
Nations once small were overrun with babies.
The Third Men, birthed in flame and raised in war
Came to the New World.

With the Third Men joining the grand empires,
The battles became larger.
So many men would join battle that the Admin itself
Could not contain them.
In the depths of the Third War,
eRepublik itself became a casualty.

Nations fell under the might of their enemies,
But so great were the costs
That a nation would beggar itself
And gain the spoils of war
Only to loose them to another
With a less wearied treasury.

-End Chapter II
Nations and Giants:
The War to End the World

Credit goes to Necros Xiaobian (deceased) for inspiration, idea, and portions of the text.

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