The Eye of Tomorrow's Banners and new Logo!

Day 2,229, 12:36 Published in Netherlands Slovakia by Willem The Conqueror

Dear Readers,

To make it easier for you, I've made some banners so that you can see on the homepage which subject that article has. I will introduce them all for you!

Banner 1; Blanco (Logo Banner)

If you see this one, then that article is about some changes in The Eye of Tomorrow's system. Like in this article it's about information of the Banners. That's a change in the system of The Eye of Tomorrow's system and that's why I used this banner this time.

Banner 2; Normal News

I use this one for the basic news, for example an article with statics of the population of the eNetherlands through the years.

Banner 3; Major Event!

I use this one when there is an article about an major event. (For example an airstrike).

Banner 4; Congress Elections

I use this one if there is an article about the congress elections, or I use this banner when there is an article with an important link to the Congress Elections (Not the URL links)

Banner 5; Presidential Elections

This has the same use as the Congress Elections; the only difference is that this time it is the Presidential Elections.

I have also published a new logo!



I hope this is all clear to you, if you have any questions about this, or do you have a great suggestions for "The Eye of Tomorrow" please mail me!

Your Press Director,
Willem The Conqueror