The Economist ~ PTO

Day 2,347, 13:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends,

I’ve returned to the eUK today ingame, though not under the best of circumstances. My home party, The Unity Party, has suffered a few problems of late. MWCerberus, a guy I and my party trusted from long experience, decided to run a list of candidates from his MU for congress instead of TUP members. Of the top 13 candidates, three of them are TUP members including MWCerberus (who can probably no longer be considered as such). The rest are members of other parties who have moved across to take advantage of this. MWCerberus has taken advantage of our trust in him in the same way Chewie did.

None of these players are members of TUP, all are running to take advantage of the PTO. What’s more, right at this moment the UK is under PTO threat from another UK party who is importing Serbian voters. At last count there were around 30 who have entered the UK now, and more are accepted every day. At a time when a divided community is the worst possible thing to happen here, the UK’s community is now divided.

A day in the life of the eUK. With an incoming foreign PTO threat which could result in any of the weaker three parties being taken over at the next PP election, the UK could really do with the support of it’s largest party. Unfortunately Dental Corps MU think that we should just accept that we have been taken over, and vote for them anyway. At the next election, we should then move to vote to protect other parties, despite the fact that doing so would likely mean another month without control from us, as they used this to take control again.

Dental Corps guys will talk about “butthurt” and try and place the blame on us. But it’s obvious that the responsibility for a PTO lies with the PTOers, and the outcome of that PTO is that TUP is internally focused for at least the next month as we’re forced to try and recover the core of our party. It has caused a deep breach of trust in the UK between formerly friendly groups, and could potentially prevent future governments, ATO actions and so on from forming.

For example, the current MoD team is entirely made up of Dental Corps members. Both of which are part of the current PTO attempt and are running as candidates from our party. Why should TUP members follow orders or have any respect for two people who would try to destroy their party? The government’s ministers are supposed to remain above internal party politics, nevermind actively trying to destroy a party which supported their CP for government.

Speaking of which, TUP has supported four good candidates in the last year- BlueAndEvil, ACroc, Carlini and NWG himself for President. We are happy to support parties which show us friendship and present a better candidate for us to vote for. We haven’t had a closed attitude towards other parties since 2009 when we were first defining our identity and didn’t want to just become a party which supported other players. A big divide in the UK now could damage relations when they are finally getting to a good level.

I expect to see condemnations of this action from all the major parties- after all many of you have experienced first hand what it is like to lose control of your party. ESO and UKPP in the last month alone. The fact that TUP’s PTO only has an indirect threat to the rest of the community does not make it any better. I am also expecting the President, NWG, to join in my condemnation of the Dental Corps for their selfish actions.

To TUP members, I urge you all to vote for UKRP, or if you can’t stomach that (they’re alright really) not to vote at all. As UKRP only have 6 candidates, any votes going to them over the first 15% will simply block candidates from running without actually adding anyone new to the chamber. That way we can’t be accused of not helping block out PTO votes, as whatever congress seats we would have held simply won’t exist this month.

DO NOT VOTE TUP for congress
