The Crimson Canucks

Day 1,304, 18:30 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire


The time is now to join The Crimson Canucks as part of our country is under foreign occupation and the forces of ONE close in.

The Crimson Order, then called Bruck’s Canucks was forged into a strong, dedicated and lethal fighting force during the summer of 2009 when all of eCanada was wiped out by enemy forces. This invasion will be met by that same dedication and perseverance that saw eCanada reclaim its lands battle by battle, province by province, the faces and names might be different but the steadfast dedication will be the same.

Will you be apart of it?

Over the past few months the Crimson Canucks have gone from 7 Legions to 12, from very minimal funding to almost on par with the countries National Army the Canadian Armed Forces, people who may of once either shunned us, considered us untrustworthy or thought we had less than desirable motives have suddenly taken notice and have acknowledged the time and commitment that so many of our soldiers contribute every day.

The challenges are many and perhaps different than the ones from yesterday. We are up against not only enemies externally but enemies within our own country that support our enemies with weapons and food and that actively fight against us. We are up against tanks that seem to have endless supplies of gold and that turn our victories into disappointing losses that sap our very spirit with the seemingly unfairness of it. To them I say even if you wipe us from the game board we will make your occupation hell, we will cost you so much in supplies, gold and manpower that you will soon see how pointless it is for you to remain. You will act as a beacon to eCanadians to unite, join a military and motivate those that have become uninterested; you will be the architects of your own downfall.

Join the Crimson Canucks were you will be supplied to fight our enemies; you will fight to your fullest extent with nothing less than a Q5 tank every mouse click. You will make a difference every time you log on and press that fight button regardless of your strength or rank.

To the 120 Crimson Canucks made up of eCanadians, eIrish, eBulgarians, eIsraeli's and many other nations you are without a doubt the most dedicated soldiers in eCanada and perhaps in this game, you will be the foundation for an even greater TCO that we will build together. Thank you for everything you guys do.