the collapse of the construction markets?

Day 455, 17:54 Published in USA USA by scrabman

I'm going to take a break from campaigning to point out an important issue. Not that I've been campaigning too hard yet. I hope to name my Vice President later this week.

Anyway, today I have the sad task of sending a message to the 20 workers of my Q5 Defense System Company, [url=http://]FAQS Defenses Inc.[/url] That message will tell them that it has become apparent, from the recent discussions in the Congress threads of the eUSA Forums, that many people feel that buying Defense Systems or Hospitals are a waste of money for the eUSA. Of course, the thing that these people are forgetting is that these companies employ highly skilled construction workers and all of their salaries go right back into the local economy in terms of their food, houses, guns, and other items. Not to mention the 10,000 units of wood that must be purchased to build a Q5 Hospital or DS.

Nevertheless, a small minority of Congress has joined forces with the Economic Council (who weren't elected by anybody) to decide to shout down any of the voices asking to support our constructions industry by buying high Quality Hospitals and Defense Systems. This does not mean that such constructions can't still be proposed by the Congress and then brought to a vote. However, I will not abuse my office in that way for my personal gain. Thus, without some members of Congress speaking up I will be forced to lay off the 20 highly skilled workers in FAQS upon the completion of our current Defense System.

This greatly pains me as an Executive Board member and recent President of the United States Workers' Party. However, I can't run a charity with my company as it costs about $20,000 to build a Q5 Hospital or Defense System. So what will happen to those workers? I don't know. There won't be any comparable industries for them to move to other than perhaps housing and there are only so many of those. They will likely move out of the country to a nationalized Hospital or DS company as many other countries subsidize such industries recognizing that they are a captive market as they can only sell to governments (assuming that one is buying).

I'm not sure why the consensus has been to follow this minority of Congress in leading this discussion of refusing to purchase such constructions. All that I know is that unless Congress acts we are going to lose this industry. Quite frankly, people seem to believe the game mechanics behind the Defense Systems are currently broken and they add only a small benefit to fights. While the usefulness of Defense Systems may be in question the effect of buying them is to trickle down to the other markets when the workers spend their wages on guns, food, gifts, etc. I will thank all of my employees for their work and wish them well. I finally had a great group of employees who worked everyday and didn't quit. They don't deserve to be laid off, but there really is no choice.

I know many of you will probably not care as I've gotten very few responses to this issue over the last month. The good news is your taxes are going up even though they are buying less, or so says the Economic Council. Makes sense, huh?

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