Thank You Delaware!

Day 553, 12:11 Published in USA Romania by James Strife

I just wanted to say thanks to the great state of Delaware for electing me to represent them this term. I also wanted to say congratulations to other candidates who were elected for their first term to include ligtreb, SirEkim, Cerb, and Jasper Ferguson. I know there were others and I haven't forgot about them.

I will post my voting record probably every Sunday as I promised in my platform and I will also adhere to the promises that I made in my platform and those that I discussed with certain individual citizens of Delaware. I look forward to working with all of the new congressman to include the old ones.

I will post my next article this weekend and my voting record will follow it.
Thanks for your support.

Until next time,

James Strife
MoW Head Assistant
Congressman - Delaware