Thank You Australia!

Day 1,808, 13:33 Published in Australia USA by irule777
Thank You Australia

The unity vote is officially in and in complete honesty, I was particularly shocked at how the vote turned out. I was very excited at how many votes I received and didn’t expect such a good turn out in the vote with some very good opponents and I applaud Ranger Bob for his achievement and wish him a very good term ahead as the unity candidate. In accordance with original promises, I hereby end my november campaign for Country President of Australia and will officially endorse Ranger Bob for President.

Being a hundred percent honest, I had one of the most fantastic campaigns I could’ve possibly asked for. I was meant with amazing levels of support from my cabinet, Calluhm123 (who put in loads of time to help me with the campaign) and most importantly, the people who voted for me, supported me, and the APP and ARP Parties who endorsed me. I send out huge levels of thanks to everyone for a constructive run and overall a good time. I was able to express my views and ideals to Australia in a nice environment.

Not only on top of that, but my competitors. My competitors were the complete opposite of what I expect a CP race to entail. I sat down with both at one point and have wonderful discussions on how we’re were going to run nice campaigns against the other and just enjoy it. For me and Ranger especially we shared campaign articles early, cabinets early, offered positions to the other, wished luck and what not, and overall just got along magnificently. I’m personally more than excited to endorse him for the CP seat and seem him win the unity vote.

I didn’t win the Unity vote or the election, but I gained support, public awareness that I exist and of my opinions, respect, and some fantastic friendships along the way. I learned mistakes of my campaign, ways to make articles more to the point and less politicy, and items/viewpoints that will change my ways in this game for a while. I can not possibly thank everyone enough for giving me such a fun time and such a learning experience. Getting up this morning and seeing the unity vote tallies there was absolutely no regret or sadness in my mind. I was satisfied with the result and prepared for what will entail of a future CP run (stay tuned 😉 )

Cheers to a fantastic clean campaign, good relationships, all parties, and all my supporters, and even those who showed me what the opposition is and how to please more people if possible.

I do hereby happily announce the end to my November Country Presidential Campaign.