Thank Someone, Anyone, And Get Weapons...

Day 2,716, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

The aim of this is simple. We have lots of hardworking eUKers and well as many friendly faces who often don't get the recognition they deserve. In the comments below, post a "thank you" or a compliment to someone else from the eUK. They may have helped run your military unit or party for months, they might kindly donate food and weapons when you need them, or they might just be there to talk to when you log on, they are a lot of people in the eUK that need thanking. So send out a thanks to someone now!

I thought I would just drop in a few thank you's to get this thing started.

To Mick, Suezo, Evil Doc, Neil and the rest of the Royal Navy crew. Thank you for running the ship for longer than I have spent in there, you have definitely helped to create one of the eUK's greatest military units.

To Jimmy, thank you for trying to keep the ESO feed as active as possible. Bob and Krifect disappeared (tut tut) and it seems like you are posting even more to fill their absence...

To Sambo, for those lovely gifs in Congress...

To the mysterious person who I don't think wants to be named, yes, Taylor Swift is probably the most beautiful person on this planet, I agree with the message you sent me, it brightened up my day!

Well, anyway, I'm sure you can think of someone to thank, I expect to see a million compliments by the time I get back. I'll send 3 Q7's to every commenter who I think posts a genuine thanks or compliment (multiple comments only get one set of weapons but feel free to thank as many people as you want). I could go through lots of people and thank them for lots of things but I included some above because I genuinely mean it. Thank people! The community has kept us here, repay them with kind words!