Switzerland Shows Eternal Signs of Oppression

Day 841, 16:19 Published in Switzerland Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Switzerland has been deteriorating do to the presence of the Shaolins. I noticed a trend that is coming into effect. We call this North Korea Syndrome, or total Russian oppression over a country.


Sudden loss of congressional seats to PTOers

More landslide elections in their favor

Your President gets impeached

The new congress plunders you treasury into a new Org

Taxes get raised to a ridiculous percentage

The media turns to Russian, English or any other language is seldom used.

Political parties get taken over, names change

your country declares war against Russia, Iran, or Hungary

Russia, Iran, or Hungary invades a few regions, the president retreats them

loss of hope

political success leads to more impeachments and/or resulting in your country being conquered

economy crashes

wages lessen, currency drops dramatically
