Sup America

Day 703, 06:27 Published in USA United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

Sup America,

I’ve been meaning to write this article for a little while now but only finally got around to writing it today (mainly because I am now on my holidays 😎 ) So yeah, howdy guys.

To start this article which may turn out to be either very long or very short, depending on how much info I happen to give out, I’d like to congratulate you on your victory in Manitoba. You deserved it 🙂 And everyone seemed to enjoy the fight, right? Because that’s really what eRep is about, having fun.

So yeah, I’m now going to introduce myself to those of you who do not know me (which will actually be most of you). I’m AV, the UK’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and general resident vampire guy. I’ll leave you to guess which is more fun.

So, as MoFA, my job is to get better relations with everyone, which is the main purpose of this article really :3 But as I expected when I first came into the job re-building relations would be a little harder than a “hi” and a “:3”

Although I don’t actually expect many people to see this article, if at least one American reads it and sees that the UK isn’t all bad then I’ll be happy. Oh, and if you could refrain from calling me a troll in the comments section I’d love you forever :3 Then again chances are this paragraph will just be too tempting to resist… But ah wellity, on with the story.


The Fall of Atlantis

Back in May things were looking uncertain for the world stage. Atlantis and PEACE were still battling it out big-time, however, rumours of cracks were appearing in Atlantis. Arguments were breaking up throughout the alliance with relations between some members going drastically down. (For those of us who are too young to remember Atlantis, this was an alliance that held both the UK and the USA among its members.)

It was at this time, the then Swedish President, Kalle Holm wanted a babyboom for Sweden. How would he do this? By invading Sweden’s long hated eRep rival; Germany. He felt that an invasion of Germany would in-turn give him access to RL newspapers and media and therefore incite a massive babyboom in Sweden, making it potentially the strongest eNation in the New World. However, there were two major problems with this little scheme of Kalle Holm’s.

1. Although Germany wasn’t a “full” member of Atlantis, it was nonetheless, a member. Which, for obvious reasons would hardly seal the forming cracks being found in Atlantis.
2. People quite like the Germans and dislike the “pig disgusting Swedes”

So on the 17th May, after a tense period of tensions between Sweden and Germany, the Swedes declared war on Germany and the next day the Third Sweden-Germany War began. Shortly after this, the Polish attack from the East, destroying all hopes of Germany’s survival.
While this is going on, Atlantis is furiously telling its members to stay out of the conflict, telling them to let Germany, Sweden and Poland to sort it out amongst themselves. MPPs were to be ignored. No mobile forces were to be sent to aid Germany. Reports even came through that if any American soldier was seen fighting in Germany he would be instantly discharged.

This war was the final nail in Atlantis’ coffin. Hassan Pesaran the Supreme Commander of Atlantis officially proclaimed it was dead, and ShadowUKCS quickly followed his example.

Aftermath of the destruction of Germany

After Atlantis broke down, the world balance was confused. Suddenly we were greeted with one massive and growing alliance and the rest of the world in fragments unsure as to what to do. The UK officially became neutral until it could decide what to do.

Now, it can be said that the UK ignored Atlantis’ instructions in that the majority of the population did indeed fight against what we viewed as an evil Sweden’s attempts to bully a much weaker nation. We even had a few of our mercenary companies flying out of the country to defend Germany. This dislike of Sweden and strengthening of relations between us and Germany was similarly greatly reinforced by the ridiculous surrender terms sent to Germany from Sweden.

After Germany was completely crushed by Sweden and Germany, PEACE, upon the request of the German Government in exile, stepped into the fray. Hungary, France and Italy all began attacking Swedish and Polish occupied Germany, with awe-inspiring power. Germany was very quickly liberated.

This move by PEACE lightened the British opinion towards PEACE. At first we hated them, being loyal members of Atlantis and hearing plenty of stories as to how evil they were. Then Sweden attacked Germany, showing us that perhaps Atlantis was far from guiltless too, and when PEACE liberated Germany, despite being an ex-member of their hated enemy of Atlantis and the lack of gratitude expressed the first time PEACE saved Germany, the UK saw that PEACE was perhaps not all bad.

I’ll take this chance now to state how no alliance is perfect. Every alliance has bad points and has done bad things for its own uses.

Neutrality, Fortis and PEACE

Now, at the same time we began to correspond more with PEACE countries than we had done previously. I, myself, was in constant contact with the French (who were always immensely nice to us, even when we were in Atlantis) and some people were talking to Hungary a fair bit too. Relations with many PEACE nations were improving rapidly. While relations with ex-Atlantis nations were falling.

Many countries saw that we had chosen to fight alongside Germany rather than fight alongside our “long term, traditional allies” in Sweden. We wanted to fight alongside our friends (and I’ll add we are still very strong allies with Germany). So yeah, these countries (the US, Sweden, Romania, Poland etc.) didn’t like us fighting against Sweden.

The US reportedly gave us an alliance rating of an “F” and Eastern European nations frequently made fun of us and our weak military. Good friends, eh?

So at this time, Fortis and EDEN were being discussed as two potential alliances. Largely because the Eastern and Western blocs didn’t want to be together anymore since the East was very much in favour of Sweden while the West was in love with brave little Germany. Actually, I recall fears of being invaded by Eastern Europe… But that’s beside the point.

Our Congress had to choose between neutrality, Fortis or PEACE. Fortis was an alliance being set up between the US, Canada, Spain and the UK with hopes of the Irish nation joining in too. The main problems with this alliance were, to the UK, the weighted voting and the US’ apparent hatred of us. At this stage, many people in the UK were still very fond of the US and still didn’t like PEACE so Fortis was the most likely choice for us.

Harrison Richardson was elected as CP of the USA. Again, there were fears of an American invasion, they hated us this much at this stage from what I’m told. Talks of Fortis continued and Congress voted on it. It failed, but not by much and many people believed that if weighted voting was removed it would most likely be accepted. Then our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Srachit, managed to actually remove weighted voting.

Champagne and celebrations all round, eh? Not quite… It was also at this point Dishmcds came forward with his idea of a “training war” between the UK and Hungary which would end with them being given Scotland. This training war was approved by the UK’s Congress, much to the disapproval of the world stage.

Articles flooded into our media from EDEN and Fortis countries telling us how awful we were. To emphasize, at this point we were still neutral, not members of PEACE GC. It’s also fairly safe to say, these articles did not to wonders to strengthen the relations between the UK and Fortis/EDEN nations. So we were being mistreated by those nations (although admittedly we did give Hungary Scotland so it couldn’t be said we were saints in all this either. However, in my personal opinion, Scotland would have remained ours for ever if relations with F/E had stayed high… But I digress) and relations with PEACE were growing stronger by the day.

So Congress once again voted on alliances. PEACE won hands down. The people were bloody pissed with the amount of hate articles flooding into our media, it was hardly a shock to anyone. Except me to be honest… Though that was mainly because I happened to be on holiday when it happened. Lots of things can happen in 2 weeks of the New World it appears…

======================================== ========================

So there is the background to why our nations are no longer friends. But that’s not the main purpose of this article. No, this article is my attempt to say sorry for the wrongs the UK has done to your nation. We have both been asses at times over the last 5 months. We’re both to blame for this lack of relations between our nations.

We have trolled each other, George Barker continues to troll us 😛 <3
We have fought each other.
We have hated each other.

But now, in my opinion, is the time for a mending of bridges. Or at least, a sign of forgiveness. My main worry in this game is that some people take the game far too seriously. I have seen Americans who have come to hate the eUK and the RL UK. This really is unnecessary. Two different things, one is a game. Don’t take it too seriously and you’ll enjoy it a hell of a lot more. Hells, everyone will.

So yeah, sorry eUSA. For all the bad times we’ve shared. Maybe one day we’ll have good times again, or at least fewer bad times. So, good game USA, hope you enjoy yourselves and all that shizzle. This article was longer than I expected, so I haven’t been able to put as much heart-felt love into it. My bad. Maybe I’ll write a follow up to this article with more relevant stuff in it… There are people on both sides of the ocean who want war, I know this article won't change anything officially, nor do I intend it to do so. I just hope it will pave the eventual way 🙂

If you wanna ask me anything, or have any problems with the article, feel free to PM me. 🙂

Oh, and good luck in getting your regions back.

Thanks to IndieKid for the new avatar 😉

Love and kisses,
A guy who genuinely wants to help.