Seriously, What the Heck is Going On?

Day 851, 10:00 Published in USA USA by Marcus Patterson

Dear Readers,

I come to you today, not to make you laugh, but as a depressing man who has come to a point where he has realized the truth. The truth that our eNation is a joke. The Alliance of EDEN is a joke. This non-stop bickering is a joke. The exploitation of this same subject by our media is a joke! If all of this doesn't stop, then our alliance and our country will fall. I hate to be yet another person contributing to the "Leave Eden! Screw eUSA" argument going on, which has just perpetuated itself over and over, and is really just such a redundant point to keep making. So, I will exclude that for the most part in this article. However, I am exhausted. I am exhausted from reading all of these articles and watching the inactivity of this eNation that is destroying my enthusiasm for this game. I feel like I have to write this article. I feel like I needed to make my voice heard. Perhaps, this is just my ego talking to me. Maybe this is just me trying to make me someone special, which I am not. However, the following will be the reasons why I think this eCountry is failing.

Reason 1: Inactivity

I am not just talking about inactivity with our citizens, which has been an issue for quite some time now. No, I am talking about inactivity in the government, in congress, in our citizens, in the parties; every facet of this eNation is literally dying. Max McFarland understood this, this is why he also felt compelled to take over the AAP and get rid of all the "dead weight" and the inactive citizens in the party. I agreed with his principle, although not with his methods. Moving on, our citizen count has been rapidly declining. Even with the recent, but temporary, acquisitions of several foreign regions like Tibet, Yunaan, Andrha Pradesh, and regions of the Philippine’s (strategic purposes), our citizen count only puts us at number 5 on the nations with the highest citizen count list. If I’m not mistaken, we were once number 3 not to long ago. Poland had a baby boom, so it is understandable we would move down a spot, but it is clearly obvious that we are not retaining the new players. Hopefully the new "fix" by the admins, which allowed new players to fight at only level 3, will help resolve this issue. Without an increasing citizen count, our economy will never be as good as it once was.

More consumers = higher demand, and when demand is greater than supply, prices rise, companies profit more. That is basic economics.

I have looked over data that was keeping track of the declining prices of guns. There was once a time when a Q2 cost around 6.5 USD, now it costs only around 3 USD. This is a good thing because more people can now afford guns. Also, I am aware of Max McFarland2’s military communes, which is helping to fund the military with guns, but it is undeniably hurting the economy although I do support and applaud Max for doing so. However, I digress back to the point I made about the AAP elections. The sad part about this was that I could not vote in this EPIC election however, because my citizenship request was not yet accepted, and still isn't, which brings me to my next point.

Reason 2: Congressional Antagonism

Antagonism in the sense of the word how I am choosing to use it means "the phenomenon where two agents, in this case, congressmen in combination have an overall effect which is less than the sum of their individual effects". What this means is, Congress doesn't get anything done anymore. I am very proud that congress finally approved a new tax reform. This was a triumph considering the fact that congress has had a bad month, a bad rep for a while, and there is bickering like never before. This could be due to the fact that some eUSA congressmen from last month were sniped by new players looking to get a medal. Hey, I am all for competition. I think the method of having pre-assigned winners in each region is just stupid. Competition leads to better results. People have to try harder to win, actually get their points and views across to the public, and spend more time campaigning and working instead of just gliding right on through and getting elected 5 times in a row because they were uncontested in their regions. However, this congress cannot turn into the "RL" congress of the United States. Right now, it is definitely heading towards that path. The reason I say this is because the Senate Forums are filled with arguments between certain congressmen who have personal vendettas against one another. There is fighting between parties, between congressman, and between the staff of the Presidency.

I mean Cesog Fillireb, to think that I helped "block" for this guy, which I now ultimately regret. How can you trick one of your congressman into accepting a "eTerrorist", that word has just been copyright by me 😉, into our nation? You just committed eTreason Sir. Three different congressmen were fired as can be read in this article by the President PigInZen. It is just disgusting what is going on right now in congress. Now, onto the other departments of our beautiful eNation.

I recently became the Deputy Ambassador to eVenezuela. Now, I don't want to put blame on any individual here, but as a Deputy Ambassador, I am supposed to do, well, "recon" work on my assigned eNation and let the Ambassador know what the situation is so he can fill out a report each Monday or every week. However, it took three days just to get my assignment, and when I read it, I was disappointed to say the least. The assignment was just a test, a stupid one if I may share my true opinion on that. I was supposed to find out who the President of eVenezuela was, and who was in his cabinet. So, I did my assignment in a matter of seconds because I just went to the president of eVenezuela's profile, then his newspaper, and then read his cabinet from an article he published. The Ambassador already knew this information, because he had already been an Ambassador for a some time. After mailing what I found out to my superior, I never received a response nor another assignment. It has been 6 days. And yes, I have mailed this person 2 times with additional information and still no response.

What's even worse is that I recently became a member of what I like to call "Sydiot's Brain Trust", well now the Treasury Dept's Brain Trust /cry, or Dr. Tango's Group Thing 😉. I was assigned to collect data, to put it plainly, and fill out the information of a bunch of Google docs so it could be calculated. This information is important because it helps evaluate the "strength" or "health" of our eNation. However, when I got access to these forms, I had noticed that no one had filled out information since February 21st. There was only two days of collected data on either form since then. Now how are we supposed to effectively solve an economic downturn when we can't simply take information that can be found from the Marketplace and put it down on a Google Doc form. It's just ridiculous. No wonder our eNation couldn't find a viable solution to this economic downturn.

Last note, please, I already sent Myles Robinson with a personal request that my citizenship be accepted, and he promised me he would send a letter to the IES (Immigration Services Department or the equivalent), although there is clearly a lack of speed and thoroughness with the citizenship approvals. How long does it take to accept a request from an SAC (Strategic Air Force: ATO/PTO department) who was assigned in India earlier this month? I trust Myles, and I trust that he will help me out, and I want to also trust this congress, but I don't know if I can.

*Edit*: By the time this article was released, my citizenship was accepted. Thank you very much Myles. Check out his newspaper here.

Reason 3: Lack of Excitement

No, I am not going to write about how the nations of EDEN are being selfish and there is a lack of communication, because that is obvious. I mean, apparently there was a resistance war effort in Argentina to free Limpopo, and it failed. Well, I have a guess why, because no one knew about it 😕...I didn't hear about this battle until it was over. So, yes, it is apparent that there is a lack of communication.

Please, to all my readers at this point, I know that the tone of this article is depressing and this is a very long read, but please bare with me. I don't mind if you put 'Tl;dr' as long as you vote/sub haha, just kidding. At least skim through this article at least, there are solid points I am trying to make in it.

Anyways, reason 3 is lack of excitement. When the eUS was fighting the eUK, I was so excited. I was amped up. I wanted the eUS to kick the living butt out of our "RL" allies. This was a revenge war, not a war for resources, but a war of payback. The best type of war, because it gets the citizens pumped up, it gets the country together. It unifies the nation. Although this war hurt our economy and I did not support it, I cannot deny how happy I was to participate in it and see the eUS and her allies winning the fight against the eUK and Phoenix. Just look at the real life equivalent of 9/11 and the Iraq War (yes, I just went there, but let's not discuss that here). Because of the lack of communication between the members of EDEN and SOL, most eAmericans are not fighting, nor even aware, of the battle eAustralia is waging against Brazil and Argentina for PTOing and taking over the regions of the sovereign eNation of South Africa. There is no war that the eUS is involved in directly as of now. Now, this is good because we are in a time of peace, however, in this game, without war, this game gets boring. Let us be honest with ourselves, yes, attacking Russia may be stupid, but we need someone to step up. I hope it doesn't have to be us. However, I am hoping that a member nation of Phoenix decides to attack Canada or even us, because that will launch a long-term campaign war that will result in citizen activeness, citizen retention, and overall fun level of this game. I really think that this would be helpful in the short-term to help boost our economy (guns, gifts) on top of the new "rules" or war updates that the admins released, and it will make people care about this eNation and this game once again.

*Disclaimer: I do not believe that PigInZen has raped any female members of congress*

Reason 4: Lack of Leadership

Pig, I hate to do this. I really, really think I am one day going to regress this. But where are you man? We have not heard from you in a while, and your presidency as been boring and uneventful. I mean, you have released articles every 3 days so far, and I applaud you for that. But all these articles have been are apologies for things that have happened under your administration. Look, I sincerely thank you for being honest and upfront about mistakes you and your congress and staff have made in the past weeks, but why not let us know what you and congress have planned? Why not tell us what we, the people, should expect in the next few days? The only significant thing that has seemed to happened is the “Zoli/Glados getting their citizenship accepted scandal”.

Josh Frost was a popular president because he kept in contact with his citizens like yourself. However, he also ended a war, helped to create new government jobs, and tried to fix the economy. He let us know of his plans constantly, and kept the public informed. I voted for you. And as a voter, I want, no I demand that you let us know what is going on. You promised transparency, and from what I have seen, your Presidency has been the total opposite. Andy Costello...where are you man? I haven't heard from our Vice President since his campaign article. Come on, that’s just ridiculous. Max McFarland always kept the people updated. I hate to look back to the past, but it is the only reference I can think of right this second. It just seems like transparency, progress, and congress have all been non-existence under the both of you. I hate to call you out. I really do, please take my word on that.

However, just like in RL, if I voted for Obama or McCain, and they failed to deliver, I would complain, I would call them out. So here I am, I am calling you out PiginZen and Andy Costello. Prove me wrong that you guys have things under control. That you have great things planned for this eNation. I want to see progress and transparency, and so do the people of this great eNation.


My hands hurt...hehe. Seriously though, after it is all said and done, and after my somewhat rant article I have just released. I have concluded that all of the points I have made are valid and I truly believe that these four reasons are the main, not the only, but the main reasons why this eCountry seems to be in a state of decadence. If you disagree with me, by all means, write your opinion down below. But please, remain respectful and don't shout/yell at eachother, that's congress's job 😉. Oh, I also forgot to mention this, I am hoping to run for congress so that I may hopefully change things from the inside out rather than have 2-3 departmental jobs (although I will be keeping up with those duties). The region, is yet to be decided. I don’t even have citizenship as I have stated before (as of March 19th, 2010), So I may not be able to run.

Please remember to vote, subscribe, comment, if you enjoyed this article at all. I hope that people can understand where I am coming from

Marcus Patterson
Deputy Ambassador to eVenezuela
Data Collector for the Treasury Department