Schyman shows the way.. Or not..

Day 1,333, 16:54 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second
This article is freely translated from the following article:

Plato is buying up goods, no matter the VAT/importtax. The only thing you need to do is put out your stuff at the advised price
(as an example, Q5-weapons have to go for a price of no more than 33 SEK - without taxes)

So, for Q5-weapons you need to put it out at 39,5 SEK (that equals 32.98 SEK before taxes are deducted). Then Plato will buy your stuff, at 51 minutes past every full hour - meaning:
02:51 etc.

As you may have gathered, the salaries have gone down the last week or so. This due to the fact, that a new change was introduced. The change dictates, that a company can have no more that 5 employees. If you already have +5 employees, then you will not be able to employ a new worker until you have less that 5.
Before these changes, some "Q5-raw companies" had more than 50 workers - most of these workers needs new jobs now.

I, Gudrun Schyman, thinks that the state should lower the price of Gold to 0.001g/sek ( >> 1 gold = 1000 sek) however, that would mean a lowering of the entire treasury, which is of course not a good idea. Check the following thread for more info:

I even think the idea of providing information in English is stupid, which is why I only write in Swedish. The Swedes should be able to use Swedish, without other people complaining - even though this is a racist opinion.
I'm drunk. Time has gone, and it's raining outside. My boss will be around any second, and he'll bring hell!

//Gudrun Schymann
(translated by Stente, as a mean of disapproval)