Saturn Reference 第五十七期:荷兰攻入比利时

Day 1,570, 21:38 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E比利时期刊The Belgian Worker文章《The War of Dutch Aggression
The War of Dutch Aggression

I'm sure that, unless your politically blind, you've noticed the rising number of threats and remarks from our neighbor to the North, the eNetherlands. Recently they have developed so strong a wish to invade us that it became one of the primary bases of their new CP's platform.

Where did this begin? How could it happen? Well if you'll read I'll give you a half-assed summery that should be satisfactory.

The Dutch and Belgians have always been close. At one point we voluntarily joined a union with them called the eUnited Netherlands. And even beyond that, our military does about half the daily damage of their military. We're far weaker by any statistical standard and 1v1 by conventional fighting the Dutch are sure to win.

The combination of a historic ruler-ship of our nation, the fact that we are as low hanging a fruit as low hanging fruit can go, and several other less prominent factors have caused a revitalized movement to conquer the nation of eBelgium.

But such did not come overnight. Indeed, there were many (and still are many) in the eNetherlands who oppose(d) war with eBelgium. Really, there are two major political battles that anyone hoping to conquer eBelgium must face.

Firstly, the CP Political Battle. Recently with the CP Elections two candidates came to be. One was van Spijck, someone who opposed a real war with eBelgium in favor of a Training War or some other collaboration. The second was Auggustus, someone who wanted a real war with eBelgium and possibly a prolonged occupation.
首先,是荷兰的总统大选之战。有两位候选人参与了最近的这次选举,第一位是van Spijck,他反对与比利时全面战争,而是更倾向于与我国军演;另一位则是Auggustus,他是一位主战派,并倾向于长期占领比利时国土。

Soon the election came to a close and the victor was Auggustus with 53.71% of the votes. 17 votes above van Spijck.
不久选举就落下帷幕,获胜者Auggustus取得了53.71的选票,领先van Spijck17票。

Auggustus almost immediately prepared for war and started the National Enemy vote which currently is going on as I type this. As it stands the vote is 21 yay - 9 nay. This may seem like a clear victory, but because you need 66% of the Congress to approve there is still a chance for No votes to hold and peace will be retained in the Low Countries.

However, this is less than likely. Personally, I have decided to call this 'The War of Dutch Aggression' because that's pretty much what it is, a war of Dutch aggression. No great struggle, no grey middle area, there is simply black and white.

We have been kind to the eNetherlands. When they were robbed and their treasury bankrupt we gained 300+ Gold from the criminal. We could've easily chosen to spend the money on ourselves. Hell, I'd like a nice Q2 Training Center. But we're not thieves. We did the honorable thing and returned the money because that was the right thing to do.

But then two weeks later, instead of thanking us for being so generous, they've turned their Warmachine on us. We acted so nicely and a minute after they've taken the gold back they're ready to invade us. You know the real irony? It will be the Gold we gave them that funds the conquest of eBelgium.

So I ask to you, people of eNetherlands, our situations reversed what would you have us do?

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