Day 1,206, 01:04 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. Today is your lucky day!

Not only because you are living in this wonderful union, Homonavia, but also because you now have the chance to fight A LOT for a small amount of money..

You see, I have quite a big stock of food in my company, and now I want to upgrade my company - when doing so, you risk losing all of your stock and of course I don't want that..

So... For the rest of the day, it's all for sale, for a very cheap price..
Actually, it's for sale at a 33% discount compared to the second cheapest food..
BUT the cheap food is not just for those online right now, it is for all - therefore, I will put up another batch of food at 12 o'clock, to ensure that those who sleep a lot also have the chance of getting the ultra-discount-super-food...

Now is that something you might be interested in? Well, I thought so - now go fight, raise your rank and be a proud citizen of Homonavia..
And while doing so, remember the two words:
Norsefire Party

Not just because it is an awesome party, but because HrBjorn is the leader of it!
Strength through Unity,
Unity through HrBjorn!

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help Homonavia become AWESOME)