Rylde vs P.Diddy

Day 809, 05:26 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde


This is the complete tale of the piece of, whats that word, meh you figure it out.

Round 1

P. Diddy has been a loyal member of Bruck's Canucks. Although he never works a shift in volunteer weapons army companies he collects guns and eventually runs his own platoon. Months later he commands a platoon and takes over the role of logistics officer.

Rylde recieves 2nd in command behind Addy lawrence of BC and passes new structure upon BC where all members not volunteering get kicked and get no guns. P. Diddy is booted and never forgives Rylde for being wrongfully kicked and makes it known in private pm's that Rylde made a mistake.

Round 1- Rylde

Round 2

Rylde is a standing member of the CAF reserves to supplement his BC guns for 3 months. P. Diddy takes command of the same reserves unit Rylde is stationed in. Rylde misses one roll call and is expelled from the platoon by P.Diddy. In anger Rylde asks Coda to take him off the CAF mailing list of crap that doesn't concern him since he's been kicked.

Round 2- P.Diddy

Round 3

Rylde joins congress and becomes a thorn in the side for politicians that are slaves to respect and authority. P.Diddy makes comments of wanting to sell a hospital that doesn't belong to him or govt. Rylde writes an article calling him out. P.Diddy crys foul and stats laws of non oppression. Rylde is permanently banned from congress for this month even as a strong reprensative of his province. NB loses a voice and support for there goal. Even though many think P.Diddy has gone to far he grows a backbone and sticks to his guns.

Round 3-P.Diddy

Round 4

In an act of spite and pettiness Rylde stats his intentions he will cross friends that are associated with P.Diddy in anger and frustration. Vengeance against P.diddy looks so sweet no matter how many bridges have to be burned.

5 minutes left in the election after stating intentions to vote for Cham. Rylde feels bad for crossing TFD and thinks jb is an ok dude. Instead of backing Cham he decides to flip his lucky nickel to give P.Diddy's fellow party members and associates a sporting chance.



Final minute coin is tossed and tails comes up. A stream of votes follows to lead jb to victory.

I coulda tied this little feud personal vendetta thing we have had going and your lucky I didn't P.Diddy. I spit in your face and even though i'm gone you have what you wanted. Place the NB Pride hospital you wet rat. I'll see you next month in congress. Take the santa hat off you goof x-mas is over and your no ST.Nick.

Round 4-P.Diddy

Final score

P.Diddy 3


If only i was as petty as you the score would be tied. Wipe that stupid look off your face now. I said wipe it off. Don't make me get the beatin stick. Yeah thats the dude CPF backs. Look at him,.The face of someone you can trust and rely on.

Holy crap where did u come from Spencer.