Rylde says vote for Jacobi

Day 777, 22:00 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

I never thought I'd be making a title statement like that ever. But times change and were no longer viewed as an enemy trying to be stomped out like in the past.

I requested that CC vote for Jacobi this election. i only advise and make my opinions known. Although all members are free to do as they want. Some have done that very thing and they will not be looked down upon and will only recieve a friendly "fuck you" the next time I see them on the IRC.
Why you ask?
Because thats how CC rolls we don't push our personal political views or goals onto others, especially fellow members. The most we can do is to ask and the rest is up to them.

I already know that many voted for DH and thats fine. It just so happens that those of us voting for Jacobi have waited till now near the end to vote. Mostly to be the ones to seal the deal in a close race and to put an end to a political groups dreams this month that i don't care for personally.

I advised voting for Jacobi seeing as funding had kept up the same as the previous month. Our 750 CAD a week and in military money that isn't much. Its appreciated and used well but i would never put CC in a situation where we are dependant on others. We would then lose our ability to be assholes and that is unacceptable.If someone threatened to take away our funding we would laugh in there face.
Also our relationship with the govt and more importantly the CAF improved greatly. Communication with the official Canadian Military has been great and i hope to work more with them this month now that the holiday season is gone.

On the other side of the fence we have DH who I hardly know and his pack of political attack dogs who can rot this month and come up with plans next month. Also as Tem has asked me for an edit there arrogant Wankers. I must concur with this enlightened view of some of jacobi's opposition.