running for Congress again...

Day 396, 10:35 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Hello, I wanted to announce that I'm running for Congress again as both an eWVian and real life resident of the Mountain State.

I haven't updated my personal newspaper for a while but I've been very busy in the last month debating and voting on various Congressional proposals to shore up our border defenses and to fund this war that we've been in this month. In many ways this war has been a disaster through poor planning and now the President is trying to avoid responsibility by smearing my party (the USWP) by spreading lies that we have engaged in treason. I'm a member of the USWP Executive Board and I can assure you that has not happened.

In the next several days I will be updating my paper to cover some of the various activities that have gone on in the eUSA Discussion Forums and the halls of the eUSA Congress. I will be happy to discuss these matters with any of you and have an unlimited mail account out of necessity because I am also a Platoon Commander in the eUSA Army. To date I've been in almost 100 fights as a member of the eUSA Army and have commanded my troops in this war in France to the best of my ability though it has been difficult getting them supplies and getting clear orders from the President's military leaders. On that note, the President's General of the Armies has abandoned us and moved to Russia while the war is still on-going and France has continued to retake our captured ground (further draining our treasury).

Don't forget to vote on Christmas Day. I have competition again and every vote counts!