Running for Congress!

Day 2,588, 02:15 Published in USA USA by catsch73

Well here I go, diving into the water head first (as I often do).

Encouraged by the kind and oh so crusty Custer, I've thrown my hat (I do so love hats) into the congressional ring. The FEDS have been so good as to host my candidacy and I plan to do them proud.

As a fairly new player (2 months), I want to bring a fresh perspective into a venerable institution. It is easy to become immune to the plight of the people of this great nation and I long to give voice to our concerns.

On the other hand, I'm excited at the thought of working with those who have long been a part of this country's prestigious history and being educated in the way of running the government. I realize that I have no experience in politics and am eager to learn the ins and outs of it, while staying true to my own convictions.

For the past two months I have been the editor of the Pony Express, resurrecting it (for the millionth time, I'm sure) from the grave. It is a somewhat thankless job, but it moves me to read many different government papers, giving me a feel for the many hard-working individuals who are laboring, oftentimes behind the scenes, to make this a better nation. I will continue as editor of the Pony even if elected. It is a good resource and has the potential to further the cause of media in eAmerica. Media is truly what makes this game interesting to me and I have a passion to see it thrive. It has been a pleasure to see the upsurge of articles of late and I long to see it continue.

I also have a deep passion for building community. This, I believe to be the heart and soul, the foundation of eRep. It's been a pleasure to witness the current interest and discussion of this all-important aspect of the game eWorld. I believe this to be the linch-pin to retaining new and seasoned players. If one doesn't feel that they belong, there is less incentive to stay.

I long to see eRep return to the glory of former days. It will never be exactly what is was, but if we work together it can become a place of wonderful escape from the stark realities of real life. And isn't that why each of us come here.

Once again, I'd like to thank the Federalist Party for giving me this opportunity to run for Congress. If you see some validity to having a fresh perspective in Congress this month, please throw your vote this way. Thanks!