Ronald Reagan and Ajay

Day 666, 13:55 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

Has anyone noticed Ajay's profile picture or whatever you want to call it? Well if you haven't then I will enlighten you. I presume it is Ajay in the picture, and he is pointing at a picture of Ronald Reagan or so rumor has it. What is he doing with a picture of Ronald Reagan? Well we would all like to know. He certainly isn't as amazing, well spoken, and popular as RR. That's obvious. So I plan on interviewing Mr. Bruno to find out. This will be an intellectual conference of two civil men. I will not ridicule him. I will speak politely and ask some well thought out questions that the citizens of eSA are begging to know the answers to.
I will be away from my home till Sunday so I don't know when I will be able to get the interview done and on here. Be patient and don't post and stupid comments on this article or the interview article.