Revolutionary Times Call for Revolutionary Leaders!!!

Day 927, 21:23 Published in USA USA by Robert Grosseteste
Heya sexy Libs 😉
Theme Music

In all my time in the United States in eRepublik (excepting a few days recently) I have been a Libertarian Party (TAMA) member. I have sat back too long and watched either this party make bad decisions or no decisions. Deciding my course of action is what I believe is best for the party, I am announcing my candidacy for Party President of the US Trade and Military Alliance party.


- 4 term Libertarian/TAMA Congressman from New York
- Community Development Backlogging Administrator
- Ambassadorial Underboss for Western Europe
- Ambassador to Ireland
- Seal Team 6 - Chief Petty Officer of the BlackHawks
- Seal Team 6 - Quarter Master of Division 2


- 3 term Citizen Affairs Committee Member
- Clerk for the North American University
- Teacher Assistant to JeepAmerica for World History
- Assistant Dean of North American University
- Ambassador to Pakistan
- Dean of the North American University
- Deputy Secretary of Education
- Seal Team 6 - Chief Petty Officer of the Wolverines
- Director of The Pony Express

Foreign Experience Here

Goals & Reasoning:

G: Like any good Party President to recruit new members and maintain the membership of current members
R: Maintain and make better the chances of this party to run quality candidates & having a positive impact on the general welfare/activity levels in the United States

G: Stop the politicization of the party
R: A few common beliefs are good but there is no need for a premier doctrine

G: Provide Supplies, Information, and Ultimately support to party members
R: This will lead to civic, military, and business involvement effectively allowing the party to act as a kind of community complex -- "It takes a village to raise a child."

My name is Robert Grosseteste & I'd like to ask party members for their vote on June 15th.

We'll melt your Popsicles,
Robert Grosseteste
aka Robbie G

PS: I <3 Aiden & Fi