Re: [TTH] Growing up in America

Day 2,849, 06:11 Published in USA USA by Senryaku

No fancy posters here; I'm too lazy.

Franklin Stone wrote an article... Well, a few minutes ago, really, and I would like to address the points he has made in a similar style to the way he addressed the document I provided.

So, let's get on with it.

>>We pay salary each week for every work click over 14. This means that if you work 20 times in a week, 20 - 14 = 6, we pay you for 6 extra days of work.
>>Our pay is higher than the market wage and tax free, done through cash donations on a weekly basis.
>>In return for the 14 works that you do without payment, we will give you certain benefits depending on your platoon choice.

>Totally non standard. Though most Communes set wages to the 'Minimum Wage' and then pay out the above Market Wages tax free weekly, it is not standard that you MUST work 14 days at 'Minimum Wage' before receiving that Above Market pay. Here I will point out that citizens are paid 1.05 - .1575 = 0.8925 per click or 12.495 CC for those 14 days of work, however I will also point out BC does not issue supplies based on a citizen's work record. Also, since I do not know what that pay is I can not say if it is Above Market or not; what I can say is that the SFP offers 150 CC a day for 2 Daily Work Clicks. What this mean is that unless you are a tank and need the extra wellness a House supplies, all you will need is the one Work Click the Q1 House the SFP provides free of charge.

To clarify, the standard 14 works a week go unpaid for those in infantry and special forces. Instead, those individuals receive supplies. After that, any further working will be rewarded with payment as there is no other reasonable incentive that we can provide.
However, as shown when you scroll down in the document, you can see that Reserves have a different model of payment in that they will receive 3cc above market wage for every click over 7, given that they have full training grounds. Let's be clear that market wage in this case means the net wage, that is, with taxes deducted. So it works out to something around 70cc. Is this as profitable as other places? No, but that is not the intent. If one wanted an objectively higher wage, they could go elsewhere and I don't see the problem in that. But our system still pays (in net) above the pay you would receive in a regular market job.
So, what we're doing here is indeed providing less than SFP conventionally, but more than them if you are eligible for DoDSEP, and with a sacrifice to your salary in the 14 clicks, you can receive as many supplies as you need should you be in the correct state to fight.

>What happens if on Monday I make a request for a week's worth of supplies and suddenly for RL reasons I have to spend a week away from the game? Would I be assailed for hoarding supplies, maybe even accused of using said supplies to start a program to supply other Americans?

In our unit system, there is a person 'in charge' of you, to keep up with you and potentially try to get you involved (though we understand that some people just don't, and we do work with that in mind). All you would have to do is leave them a message, or leave the message with a person somewhere higher up on the chain of command and you'd be excused.

>>If you have an infantry kit, you may enter the infantry, even if you do not meet the requirements.

>This one I do not like at all, IMO anyone who can afford to spend RL money on this game can surely afford supplies on their own and has no need for supplies from the USAF.

Some of them can, but a single infantry kit does not provide enough for a full month of fighting. It also does not allow the person to go above and beyond, killing as many people as they'd like without a budget to work with (obviously) and so we need to ask the question of HOW we are helping rather than WHOM we are helping. The answer to that is, we are helping players in lower divisions to stay in those lower divisions and still fight without needing to worry about going into the next division. We do this by providing them the means. I don't think we need to go into how weak our nation is when it comes to the divisions 1-3, but to summarise, they are below weak. We have disgracefully low damage in D1-3 and this is a system put into place in an attempt to assist in combating this problem that we have as a nation.

>I do not see any 'Platoon Requirements'

They're near the bottom of the document, which has multiple pages. I'll take this as a criticism of my layout - which I will concede is potentially very sloppy.


Well, that is all.

See ya.