Day 596, 12:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AltmerVampire

The eUK is at war defending its trusted ally Austria who have been invaded by the Hungarian Hordes.

The eUK is duty bound to protect its trusted friend against the powers of a much more powerful nation

I do not know about you, but I view Great Britain as a land of goodness, of morals and of kindness and genorosity. We help the little guy against the school bully. We fight for what we believe in, what is right. We stand up in a crowded place, and make our voices heard against evil, tyranny and corruption.

We are the voice of the weak. So raise your voice, and help the Austrians in their epic struggle for survival. Together we can defeat this enemy. Together, the United Kingdom can achieve anything.

So fight here and show the Hungarians that we are not afraid of them and their vile, imperialistic ways.

So fight Great Britain! Fight for Austria! Fight for freedom!