RareLIt: Fourth Edition FINISHED

Day 2,421, 12:12 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Now with the fourth official edition of the Rareonce Literary Contest finished, I thank everyone who participated in the submissions and the voting.

This round we managed to launch two categories; A poetry category and a journalism category. This round had quite an interesting result as both categories launched ended in a complete tie, and with two submissions to each category this means...everybody won? I'd like to give a congratulations to everyone that submitted then as in this round of RareLit, everyone went home with some Q7 weapons!

The prize for category winners of this round of RareLit was 50 Q7 weapons. Since both categories were ties each participant went home with 25 Q7 weapons each.

So thank you all again, I hope to see even more participation in our next edition. Til then!

Winning submissions can be read below.

Poetry Submissions

Journalism Submissions