RareLit: First Edition FINISHED

Day 2,362, 10:37 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

Now with the first official edition of the Rareonce Literary Contest, I thank everyone who has stayed with us.

This round we managed to launch a short story category and in the end there was a 2-way tie for first place. I'd like to congratulate Brandon Wright for being among these winners- the first ever concluded short story category!

The prize for category winners of this round of RareLit was 40 Q7 tanks (10 more than last round!)- next round I hope to increase the reward even more and/or create runner up prizes as well! I hope to see everyone again in the second edition of RareLit and hopefully to finally get two categories running at the same time!

Winning short stories can be viewed below.

Harold the Princess Saving Dragon

The Drudgery
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